Dynamite in a small package is the only way to describe this artist, her matchless voice and vocal range sets her apart from all other female country artists, the ability to master a wide variety music stiles, from ballads to up tempo, with ease.

Her ability to capture the essence of the lyric’s of each song and transforms that essence into an emotional rendition that captivates all audiences, young and old alike, is an inherent gift that few singers possess.

Her Tenacity and perseverance towards her music started at a very young age, with vocal training, stage presents and lyrical writings to ensure her performances would be just as dynamic as the talent that swells within her. This college age student/artist is furthering her passion through studies in music and drama at Hofstra University.

Lacey has taken the next step towards fulfilling her vision; she has just completed a self financed 12 song CD, with 2 of the songs written by her, at a local studio. The CD is do to be released in the late spring or early summer.

Audiences come away from her performances in awe of the dynamics of each show and the whole-some endurance exhibited by this artist. This year you will witness the nee of a female artist that will weather the test of time.

Rest In Pieces
story tells how you it feels to be dumped


Dream Big
You can do anything with a dream


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Lacey Danko