""Like a cross between the Beach Boys, Johnny Cash and the Vampire band from 'From Dusk Till Dawn'""
The Village Voice, New York

Miyagi are a strange and special creature. With a globetrotting group of at least 7 members, you never know how many might turn up. But with each one a singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist you're guaranteed a unique experience usually based in some kind of good time, dancing, dangerously pumping, harmony-laden happyland. On offer you might find animalistic drums, wild sax, warm country bass licks, jangling surf guitar and new-wave cello, all topped off with luscious harmonies, and beating a way through genres of rock, country, funk, surf, blues, dance and folk.

Having won fans and admirers from London to New York over the last few years, Miyagi launched their long-awaited debut album ‘Lucky Face’ ('inspirational' The List, 'hellishly infectious' Peter McGee) in their hometown of Edinburgh in December 07. The album was an independent release but with tracks receiving airplay on Radio 1, XFM Scotland, BBC 6Music, Radio Tameside and Radio Scotland amongst others, the band attracted record label interest and released ‘Dragonfly’ as a download single on Slow Train Records at the start of September 08. The single has received glowing reviews and extensive airplay, with Vic Galloway amongst others championing the song and the band - the perfect way to round off the summer after greatly received appearances at the Wickerman Festival, Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival and Dunstaffnage Festival. The band have been locked away over winter feverishly working on album number two into which, despite the cold, they have imbued a distinctly sunny tone. 2010 will see the band continue to take their exhilarating live show on tour around the UK, and with a summer album release on the cards it looks set to be another exciting year.

""Big following, no record deal. How strange is this world? Someone like Robbie 'Tosser' Williams has a deal. Proof that God is, indeed, dead.""
Electra for MGCK Music

Little Pink Dress


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