Yancuic creation of sound experimentation. Based on breakbeats,Ambient,New Age, Chill out,Trip out sound. Alway's looking for that edge. Trying to create something new. Out of san antonio texas j.Production studio is housed. 1999 the feel for electronica music was born. J.P.S. has worked in house studios aswell for other up and coming artist. Gaining more knowledge and creating his craft as time went on. Through the being of 2003 he meet up with parther and good amigo. James Robinson who taught him other methods of recording. And software based programing. .Stuff that we have used trough out 10 years of music.

Steinberg Nuendo 3.0, Reason 4.0, Recycle 2.1, Wavelab 6, Waves Diamond Bundle,360,LR-1 Reverb,Z-Nosie, SSL-4000,TC-works,Ohm Force,Prosoniq,E-MU-Proteus 2000, Phatt Planet, Orbit,Roland JP-8000, JX-8P,Novation V station, K station, Bass station, Albino 2, Spectrasonic Atomsphere, Korg M1, T1 sound Mod. Legecy collection. Native Instruments-Battery 3,FM8,FM7,Pro 53, Reaktor 5, Massive, Absynth 3,B4 2, WayoutWare TimeArp 2600, Arturia-MiniMoog V,CS-80V,Modular V,T-Racks, AAS-Lounge Lizard, Ultra Analog. Running on MAssive PC & Mac.

Artist who in Influences: The Prodigy, Crystal Method, L.O.A., Basement Jaxx, Chemical Brothers, ATB, Enigma, Praga Khan, New Order, Technotronic, Pm Dawn, Information Society, The Human league, Thomas Dolby, Gary Numan, Vangelis, Jean-Michel Jarre, Brian Eno, Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Eurythmics, The Art of Noise, Depeche Mode, Nine Inch Nails, KMFDM, Massive Attack, Orbital, Propellerheads, Underworld, Bj?rk, Moby, Paul Oakenfold, Paul van Dyk, Ti?sto, Aphex Twin, Ministry, Mortal, BT, Enya just to name a few.

Yeccaqui-To Understand
This track is alot more of what I write nowadays. I still enjoy breaking off here and there. Just somtimes need to clear my head of things.lol Anyhoo its more of an understanding of where am at. And where the path is going. My way of thinking is everyday evolving. I try not to think of it all. Just let it flow till the end. So this track was pretty much that. Written for the release. But was turned into a Free B. Plenty of pads and flute Fx-Z. And drum patterns...

New Age

Omni 1
Experimental track done for promotion for album release. Check out (http://www.myspace.com/jproducer210) for updates. Up tempo track as raw and twisted knob fx'ed out!


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