Felix Bada was born on December 30th, 1978 in Dade County, Florida... he lived there for almost 21 years... then on the frosty late midnight of December 27th, 1999, he began a new life... on the road, 10 west, with his trusted straight 6, 2 door, 1978 Chevy Nova, he made the trip of a life time... and on the crisp mid-morning of January 3rd, 2000, he arrived in his new home of Los Angeles County, California...

As a youth, he was easily, magnetically bound to creativity... attending Magnet Schools of the Arts, he crafted his eager vision into haunting memories on canvas... despite this fascinating development, he was complex in his thoughts, for they were always spun from some unknown emptiness... perhaps it was for the lack of a father, who was imprisoned time and time again for feverish crimes...

On the eve of adolescence, he made tremendous errors on the way to his future... lacking in discipline, he destroyed opportunities gifted to him with ease... sabotaging himself with pornography in the classroom, expelling from hope... desperation slowly set itself in a comfortable cavern in his mind... depression and madness... unholy alliances... love was a foreign mystery and something painful...

During the High School years and shortly after, he involved himself in the exotic romance of Goth... there he felt a bit of comfort in the dramatic impressions given forth... from there he became devoted to and part of the musical group known as Spectral Carnival... there he initially crafted his haunted vision to sound, eventually taking the role of lead vocals... by the end of four years, the love and vision ended...

In the first year of living in California, he was lost with no direction... starvation and desperation set in a terrible shadow... trust was quickly vanquished in the blink of an eye... there were few who believed... the struggle gave birth to a new form of life... and with that he emerged with a new devotion known as Severe Head Trauma... attempts to record soon followed, but full time work consumed and prevailed...

Complications and collisions engulfed the production of Severe Head Trauma... thoughts of returning to Dade County were nearing a possible reality... a Saint came knocking one evening proposing a new opportunity, to join the musical group known as Big Idea... through this new collaboration, incredible music was created, the group was renamed in celebration as The Novaz... a network born...

Severe Head Trauma is now a reality... the network emerged as No Silence Records... friends who will elevate each others needs to defy the challenges in making dreams come true... romance, seduction, anger, despair... a mixed drink to quench the soul... Felix Bada is Severe Head Trauma... an invisible man insanely in servitude for knowing the origin of tears... the membranes and anguish... hail to the dark melody.

An introduction to the desperate void known as Severe Head Trauma. The traditional tug of war between loneliness and solitude. Anguish collides with Longing.


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111407: -If you find yourself in Sinzig, Germany, check out Severe¬Head¬Trauma : "While we still can" and "Corpse of Love" taken from the CD 'Chaotic Waves' (No Silence Records) on Radio Alooga.
Severe Head Trauma

4/10/2014 7:09:34 PM
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Severe Head Trauma