Spacial Quest was formed through samples and beats. Through a process called deconstruction the samples have been twisted, converted, and manipulated. The samples are then put to beats with drum patterns. Anything can make music, and Spacial Quest is set to prove that point with tunes like Circuits, Human Nature, and Tribal Chant.

Human Nature
Cool - catchy electronica song with a nice dance vibe.


Electronica song with some smooth saxophone samples. The main beat is sort of an offbeat with a nice twist. Get a nice martini and play this song through your speakers for a dandy time.

Electronic Experimental

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Spacial Quest's third cd, "Digital" is now available through iTunes, and many other online music retail outlets. Get your copy now! Click the myspace link under the artist links, and on the right side there is a link to iTunes. Add me as a friend and send me a message.
Sleep Paralysis

3/27/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 9/20/2024 6:02:29 PM
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Spacial Quest