Aron Bradley: bass, vocals, guitar, drums, pedal steel, percussion, keyboards and harmonica. Aron’s musical career began in Oakland California with cello lessons in the 5th grade. In 7th grade, as second cellist in a statewide orchestra competition, he and his classmates won an all expense paid trip to the New York World’s Fair in 1964. As a junior at Berkeley High School, in 1968, he was the lead vocalist and harmonica player for a blues band. The bay area music scene was a rich soil where this budding musician found his roots. In 1970 he moved to Manhattan and played in a duo at Greenwich Village coffee houses and clubs. He traveled around the U.S. for a year and gained more knowledge of America’s diverse musical styles before returning to the bay area. There he played in rock, blues, jazz, funk, R&B, latin, top 40 and country bands sharing the stage with the talents of Fast Floyd and the Firebirds, Sonny Rhodes, Honey Davis, Buddy Miles, Ricky Thomas, Suze Caruse, Code of the West and East Bay Mud before forming his own bands: 24K, Soul’d Out and S.C.R.B. He moved to Salem in 1991. In 2002 he joined with Scott Johnson and Tony Briggs to create Healin’ which is an eclectic, musically diverse trio formed on the belief that music holds the power to heal. The trio parted ways in 2004 after Aron produced a 12 song CD. Aron is currently producing 2 albums; 'ADB' a solo album of original music composed and performed by Aron and 'Earthtones' the first in a series of Ambiant music albums also created by the composer.

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Last logged in: 10/11/2009 12:21:01 PM         Pageviews:  8547
Lauri Aron, you have been rotated back up into the top 2 today at ROFLMAO!!!!
Maria & Paul Hi Aron, so great to find you here, hope all is good & catch up when we can, all the best, M&P xx
* Your song 'Don't Drag That Sack' has just been added to Tunes to ponder station!
Lauri Long time no see! Im not sure if you are around here all that much. . But your on top today at ROFLMAO!!!
* Your song 'Habits' has just been added to Fem til Danmark station!
* Your song 'Don't Drag That Sack' has just been added to BjustB - Sounds that move me station!
bjustb Hey Aron ... great to see ya here .. had to have don't drag that sack ... you know how I feel about that song.
* Your song 'Don't Drag That Sack' has just been added to Homosapien station!
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I am a multi-instrumentalist musician composer who after years of playing in a variety of bands has decided to produce a solo album with all original compositions. I'm playing guitar, bass, drums, percussion, vocals, keyboards and harmonica on this album, and loving every minute. I believe music should be shared by all since all of our collective experience and the music of others all over the planet helped to create it. Music and rhythm is the universal language. It bridges all differences and boundries we impose upon ourselves. 9/7/2005 5:50:03 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 11:07:56 AM
Pageviews: 8547

Aron David Bradley