I started making music back in the 80's as an outside interst to Recording & Engineering which I was learning at the time ... when not working I'd spend time with some of the Studio musicians messing about on the new breed of Digital Synths arriving then ... I started to learn the basics of midi programming, from that moment, I was hooked. Project Overseer came into being in 1995 where I started making sounds & music for media application. Zoom forward to now, and you see many changes - still making music, but this time with a kindred family of wonderful people, found here at POP SPACE www.popspace.co.uk and over at POP's main site www.projectoverseer.biz ... a concept development designed by me. I call "The Gathering" ... a pool of quality Artist from the World over.

Eastern Passion
East meets west in this interesting blend of acoustic/percussion based playing

World Fusion

Approach Sequence
Ambient Electronica from the `Red Planet` concept Album


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12/29/2007 2:45:48 AM
I do not check so much all of our websites, but I'm happy I could find also here your fantastic music, will add it to our radio! :-)

Corrado Rossi

12/26/2007 6:13:00 AM
Hi Chris, glad to see you here!
A big welcome and keep up the great music!
Corrado :)

Project Overseer Productions

12/23/2007 1:45:58 PM
Welcome all new visitors ... please investigate Project Overseer Productions further, either as a listner/supporter or to join Project Overseer's concept for superb musicians - you'll be pleased you did!



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Photo Gallery Blog

Last logged in: 6/7/2013 5:41:59 PM         Pageviews:  15406
Chris Bishop - POP owner Welcome all new visitors ... please check Project Overseer Productions on your search engines for more on `POP`
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Enjoy These Choons station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to left field standards station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to TWM Chillout Radio station!
* Your song 'Approach Sequence ' has just been added to TWM Chillout Radio station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Chill Hill station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Sounds of the Cosmos station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Sarah's Serenade station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to WORLDS APART station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Delicious Music station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Delicious Music station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to TWM Chillout Radio station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to BREADTH of VIEW station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Accent station!
* Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to Left Field station!
IMP Your song 'Eastern Passion' has just been added to GLOBE FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!

News Update for POP members and visitors on Project Overseer's brand new POP SPACE!

So far our Pre-Launch invite has been very successful with many members finding POP SPACE a logical addition to our developing concept. The reason for a Pre-Launch invite is to basically give Artist members of `POP` a chance to toy with, and develop showcase sites with a new range of tools allowing for some stunning creativity (already shown)

Project Overseer's POP SPACE will also allow Visitors following our concept and the many Artists showcasing their works here, to also join POP SPACE with an open invitation to create your own BLOG with the chance to interact as well as support the incredible talent within our membership.

POP SPACE is NOT your typical Blogger, it is highly monitored because we want sensible likeminded people on board with an interest in Independent music.

Mainstream Artists are also welcome if you wish to showcase yourself within a music related site that sets new standards for monitoring and security.


GLOBE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Sounds of the Cosmos
Left Field
TWM Chillout Radio
left field standards
Delicious Music
Enjoy These Choons

Page Links
Corrado Rossi   Corrado Rossi is a creative Artist with interesting musical insight.
DICARLO PRODUCTIONS   Dicarlo is a very good producer/engineer and has created some very fine work.
TWM   Head man Augusto is a very good friend, but without bias these guys have a fabulous collection of works with many genres on offer and fine production values - recommended!

4/2/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 4:13:39 PM
Pageviews: 15406


Project Overseer Productions