Danny Ray BarnesDoing Things My Way
Album Oriented Rock HyperLink
/uploads2/154623_5_20_2015_8_12_18_AM_-_At Paladino.jpg
song created                                

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM
song updated                               

Monday, March 22, 2021 8:55:32 PM


A song about loss.

Doing Things My Way

I saw and old friend the other day,
I just dropped in to see what he had to say.
I asked, “How’s it going?” He lied and said, “Okay.”
I did not question him, I just went on my way.

I kept on moving, avoiding choosing,
What am I losing, doing things my way?
Doing things my way.

I found an old girlfriend the other day.
She was my “best” friend, I should really say.
I loved her truly, but fear had made me run.
It hurts to find out she could have been the one.

I kept on moving, avoiding choosing,
What am I losing, doing things my way?
Doing things my way.

I lost a dear one so many years ago,
It made no sense and it hurt down to my soul.
Couldn’t express my, my pain and fear and woe.
I collapsed inward as I watched her go.

I kept on moving, avoiding choosing,
What am I losing, doing things my way?
Doing things my way.

Up and lost my love today.
I had lost focus and began to stray.
She tried to reach me, and get beyond the wall.
I tried to tear it down but I didn’t survive the fall.

I keep on moving, avoiding choosing,
What am I losing, doing things my way?

Doing things my way.
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