Allister Bradley is a Canadian singer/songwriter who writes from the heart. He has released two full-length albums and will have his third available in late 2010. These songs are often intimate peeks into the way Bradley sees the world, though they are just as often written from roles that Bradley assumes in order to step inside another person's shoes.

Bradley's songs have received critical attention from various major international songwriting competitions, as well as from the audiences at his live performances.

If you can imagine Sting having cocktails with Norah Jones, while Billy Joel and Bruce Hornsby argue over the check, then you can begin the imagine the host of listenable, yet thought-provoking, songs that have come out of this songwriter's pen.

What A Day
This "carpe diem" song celebrates the freedom of choice and the right to look forward rather than feel branded by our past...

Easy Listening/Soft Rock

Goodbye, Bedford Falls
Rich in imagery and emotion, this song paints a vivid picture of a soldier who chooses to leave the hometown he loves to fight for freedom.

Easy Listening/Soft Rock

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josie campbell

5/30/2010 5:22:34 PM
cool song great lyrics, really catchy, really inspiring look forward to hearing more Josie

Bryon Tosoff

5/25/2010 10:23:19 AM
killer tune man, you got some fine chops and grooves going on, fine kickin one..and sweet bridge, great those lyrics, fine vox....looking for more soon.added up to an eYe of a station-What a Day rocks!




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* Your song 'Goodbye, Bedford Falls' has just been added to eYe station!
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Allister Bradley