With his debut CD, Unbounded, Marc Enfroy blends gorgeous piano melodies with touching orchestral arrangements to create emotionally charged themes like those heard in dramatic film scenes. It's a musical style he calls "Cinematic Piano." Free New Age Music MP3 downloads are available from his website.

Enfroy started writing music in 2006 after losing his sister, an accomplished painter, to skin cancer. “...writing music beneath one of her paintings, became an irresistible escape from the pain,” Marc says. Born of tears, his music began as a fond tribute to the memory of his sister, and while the tears gradually diminished, the music continued to grow. "I love good film music but dislike searching through an eight minute track just to hear the one or two minute section I love. So I decided to start writing short themes you might hear in a film. I use pop song structure with lead piano and a lot of orchestration for a cinematic feel."

Unbounded will be released August 26, 2008


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New Age, Film Music, Cinematic Piano

Mare Nostrum

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New Age, Film Music, Cinematic Piano

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