Ladies and Gentleman. The moment you’ve all been waiting for. A singer, songwriter and producer who tries to inspire others by using his charm and voice to get his point across. The point is that everyone goes through similar struggles within a lifetime. They may not be the exact same situations, but we can all relate.
When asked “Who are your musical influences?,” Noel’s answer is humble and straight forward. He replies, “Himself.” Yes, there are many artists he looks up to because they have paved the way for those who came after, but he is striving to be original and give the audience a performance they can remember for a lifetime. “It’s all about the audience in the first place. Without them I wouldn’t be around, and without artists from the past and present I would never have had the dream of reaching out and helping others understand their feelings. I mean, when you listen to a song that truly touches your heart, you relate it to your life. No one in the world is alone when it comes to problems.”
These are true words from such a young man at the age of 24. Justin “Noel” Brown began singing in church choirs at the age of seven. A military brat from Honolulu, Hawaii, he moved around a lot as a kid between the east and west coasts.
In the midst of all the talent that the world has to offer he decided to fuel is brain with the voices of artist such as Michael Jackson, Dru Hill, Stevie Wonder, Usher and Jagged Edge. These artists to him are known to be his foundation when it comes to the reason why he rights and sings from his heart.
Noel’s freshman album, self titled “Noel: Club vs. Love,” is not just about his life but about the life of his friends and family that brings their situations to his attention. He explains the title. “‘Noel’ is for my fans and for anyone who focuses on the positives of life. You know, the things that make people happy, like going out with friends and spending time with family. I’m trying to let people know that there are good days and bad days, and you learn from everything. Sometimes it may lead to the worst and other times to the best but it should never be an option to give up. You live and you learn until you find “The One.” My music is for those who feel like they’re alone in the situations that occur in life. I’m just letting everyone know that they're not alone in their struggles.”
Some of the stand-out songs on Noel’s debut CD are “What It Do” along with “Totally Into Me"" and ""Noel Is Me.” These songs seem to have caught a lot of the older as well as younger fans attention. This beginning star is trying to see how bright he can shine in the sky of superstars within the hip hop and R&B realm.
With songs like “Take My Hand (ft. Mac Mel) which refers to “anyone who is ready to give up on a relationship and a life of love because their lover may not always be able to be around, Noel tells not give up and to give that person another chance to try and find the love that they once possessed and resurrect it,” he explains. “Love can uplift any relationship as long as both are willing to love one another and give love a chance.”
Noel’s dream is to be on the road with superstars and learn day by day what it is like to put forth as much effort and sacrifice to do what he enjoys and loves. In addition to singing, Noel adds dancing to his stage act. He explains “dancing and singing is a way to catch the audience’s attention and put your words into actions to express the true meanings of the lyrics.” He also intends to expand his talents into the art of acting. He looks up to Jim Carry, Chris Tucker, and alsoyou may find this hard to believeJet Li. “To show people multiple sides of your personality lets the fans get a closer look into your life and what you love in it. I love to act goofy, serious and loving, so to show these sides of me and bring joy into peoples’ lives is something that makes me extremely happy and thankful for the opportunity that not many can have.” Noel is also into doing charity work for the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department. All in all Noel explains “all I can do is my best and learn from my mistakes because learning from my mistakes will pave the path in my life for greatness."" With God on my side walking with me I can’t go wrong.

Them Timbs

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