If you haven’t heard of the 80’s child called Missbee, then you still haven’t heard good music. Her origins are a concoction of confusion, some would say she’s of African decent but with Indian-oriental features and a solid London background, one can't be sure. Quite young and spontaneous, yet mature. She carries herself with a classic elegance. Missbee is like a perfectly blended coffee, smells good and wakes you up in the morning with a smile. Her musical interests are very diverse but when it comes to her passion what sets her on fire is a music that has inspired many generations. Jazz. Even though Missbee loves the traditional essence of Jazz, her musical palette feels the need to paint Jazz into a new picture. She is indeed a new voice on the Jazz scene for this generation and one to keep your eyes (and ears) on.

Missbee - Song 64980
Prepare To Be Jazzmatised!


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Last logged in: 6/4/2013 5:41:59 PM         Pageviews:  10625
* Your song 'VICHICKYCHICA' has just been added to Enjoy These Choons station!
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* Your song 'VICHICKYCHICA' has just been added to More Kerascene tracks!! station!
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* Your song 'Missbee - Song 64980' has just been added to Nice Sensations station!
* Your song 'Missbee - Song 64980' has just been added to Inet Jazz 365 Indie Radio "The Fuse" station!
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Missbee's new track ""VICHICKYCHICA"" and music video release.

Missbee Music

05 Aug 2008, 20:00
231 Cambridge Heath Road, Bethnal Green, London, London and South East E2 0EL
Cost : £6

It’s £6 with a flyer with my name on it. Which you can print from my myspace page.
Nice Sensations
Enjoy These Choons 2
Calling All Angels
Enjoy These Choons
The JazzXpress Caravan

3/14/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 5/30/2024 2:03:45 AM
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