Formed in the hazy dusk of a long autumn night early in 2005,
Generals & Majors set out to take pop and rock away from the mindless,
away from the mediocre; back to the inspired, back to the challenging.
Original, engaging, eccentric and daring, these country raised Perth lads
are fearlessly spitting into the wind of the mainstream without sacrificing
accessibility. Add insightful and wildly intelligent lyrics to the already
heady mix and you’ve got something this sleepy little city has never
seen before.

Generals & Majors have taken influence from alternative greats like XTC,
Talking Heads, Faith No More and countless others, but unlike most, strive
to and succeed in not being derivative of these artists. They show an
inherent diversity through having multiple songwriters with hyper-active
palettes, always tempered with heavy handed quality control and a focus
on focus, leaving them tightrope walking between bold simplicity and
fearless complexity.

Now, with their bold self-titled EP released, Generals & Majors are ready to
paint this town, this country and the world camouflage.

You and Jesus

Alternative Pop Rock

No One Does

Alternative Pop Rock

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Generals and Majors' debut EP is out now.

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4/14/2014 7:09:34 PM
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Generals And Majors