James Scott Bullard was conceived in a Nashville motel.
Born and raised in South Carolina, with a family tree that twisted and forked in two directions.
On one side of said tree-Well educated people, school teachers, farmers, and homemakers...
but on the other side of that tree: Backwoods gun-toting moonshiners, prize fighters, and hardened prisoners.
(In fact there’s even a story that JSB’s dad learned to play guitar from an old bluesman who used to jump the train to buy moonshine from JSB’s grandfather.)
Our dear JSB was bred on the sounds of Waylon, Willie, Kristofferson, Cash, and Jones.
Then as a teen he went on to discover Punk and Metal and like every other teenage high-school misfit, he started a band, a band that went on to become known as one of the top 5 acts in the entire southeast, but like these stories often go, the band parted ways leaving our poor Mr. Bullard out in a career rainstorm…However, an odd thing happened…One day there was a girl, a beautiful heartbreaker who turned him onto a guy named Gram Parsons: the guy who had the vision and the balls to put the rock and the country in one place...the rest is, well, see for yourself…

Heartless Woman


Gal O' Mine


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James Scott Bullard and The Late Night Sweethearts