Sickbboy kicked around Atlanta for 5 odd years before untangling themselves from the kudzu and moving to Australia in 2006, thus leaving behind a quickly forgotten legacy of kicking around, playing nearly every venue in town, replacing drummers, never getting a gig in Athens, getting nowhere, releasing singles, shouting at the top of their lungs, releasing an EP, and always writing new material. After founding member Mark Spence got tired of beating his head against a wall, he wound up down under and started putting a new trio together, and that has made all the difference in the world.
Touring behind their previous EP, VANITY & VELOCITY, took them to most of the major cities around Oz, and now with a new LP on the way, WATER NEVER WAITS, they won’t be happy until Australia, if not the whole world, finally pays attention.

CREATIVE LOAFING (ATLANTA, GA)-- Sickboy isn't all talk and no rock, though. Mixing influences like Radiohead, Elliott Smith, R.E.M., Tom Petty, Dylan and the Pixies with maybe some Phil Collins/ Genesis, Sickboy strives to recreate raw energy like the schizophrenic shaking of Iggy Pop...

BONEMACHINE.COM (Melbourne, AU)-- “I can't remember the last time I heard a band's first cd that was as accomplished or varied....not to mention plain old addictive, as Vanity And Velocity. Debut EP releases rarely end up being a band's best effort, so the future looks pretty damned rosy indeed for Sickboy.”

PLANET OF SOUND.TK (UK)-- “The lyrics of this song [“It’s OK, I’m Scared Too”] are just so well thought out. Delivered with a confident nonchalance that beggars belief and broken up by a punk growl most singers would die for – this song is a must for anyone who needs to jump up and down throwing rock poses. Any band would give their left nut for a song like this. And if they say otherwise they are either liars or fools.”

TOMATRAX (Canberra, AU)-- “The rawness, attitude and song craft of The Clash combined with one of the maddest, most ridiculous Jesus & Mary Chain-esque guitar breaks you're ever likely to hear. And without a break in the wall of noise comes the wonderful, slightly-detuned corker Pale. This is the kind of track The Living End would do if they weren't so hell-bent on creating slick records. There's just the slightest hint of psycho-billy going on here, and it's sitting in the middle of a wall of trashy guitars that would make Radio Birdman and The Lime Spiders proud.”

Sickboy remains a band that never wins anything, and this three piece dirty-pop outfit has the same solution for the same old problem: KEEP PLAYING!--for themselves, each other, and their few but loyal fans. There's always a new album in the works...even before they finish the one they're supposed to be at work on. One never ends getting near.....

Sea Chanty's a bloody sea chanty.


This is a schizo folk song from our second EP, WATER NEVER WAITS.


Big Kicks


The Mischief of Success
A love song without wetting the bed. Another sneak preview from the new EP. I like this one the most, I think. It's short and simple but has it's own charms in it's own quiet way.


Violence & Glitter
Well...I can't really say much. It's the final song on our new EP, and here it is exclusively on KIAC, once again without my bandmates being aware of what I'm doing. I hope our new label doesn't mind either....whatever.


The opening track from our new EP, "Water Never Waits".


Just a ballad, really.

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

It's OK, I'm Scared Too
from our EP, "Vanity & Velocity". This song really didn't turn out the way it was supposed to, and that is probably why it is one of our better ones.


This is what we have in mind when we say "dirty pop". Not vulgar, just dishevelled. Part truth, part lies, part heart, part garbage. In case you care about these kinds of things, this song kept falling apart when we were trying to record it in the studio, so by the time we managed to get this take down, we were glaring at each other and ready to spit venom. We also kept jackiing the tempo up with each take, so what you're hearing is a band that very is very much ready to implode. This featu


This song concludes the very first Sickboy LP, which is was actually released under my own name, Mark Spence, when I was 18. This is also probably the very first song I ever wrote, and it was in my set for a few years until I got sick of it. The album was called NO GIG, and I used to have a harmonica wrapped around my head, which is evident should you ever listen to the whole album. It's not all bad, but I should have just made a strong EP instead of being up myself.

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

From Vanity & Velocity Ep. We NEVER play this song....


Fear & Arrogance
Another tune from the first Sickboy session which is a rare snapshot of the first line-up: Mark Spence, Greg Perry, & Seth Hendershot. Seth would leave soon thereafter, seeking bigger & better things, leaving Mark & Greg to begin a never-ending quest to find another drummer.


Anything Possible
 - reached Top 5 on KIAC Big 50  
Short, fast, & to the point. This recording is from the very first Sickboy studio session, at Tree Sound Studios in Norcross Georgia. Only available online here at KIAC.


Troubled Sleep
A very early Sickboy song, no longer in our ive set. This was recorded at the first Sickboy session back in Atlanta. It also has the distinction of featuring the first Sickboy drummer, Seth Hendershot.


When Midnite Comes Around
Another track from the NO GIG LP. I wrote this when I was 18, and I remember I liked it at the time. I haven't played this one live in ages, but now I'm starting to think maybe I should knock the dust off and give it another go...

Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

this is an accoustic version of a new song called [other]. The full electric version will appear on our next LP, "WATER NEVER WAITS", but this one was recorded at sea, and it's just me on vox/guitar with Eric Faguy on upright bass. Interesting, for what it is....


I Hate It When You Kiss Me
Even though this song was released on the last Mark Spence solo album, it is technically the first Sickboy song that I wrote (i.e--the first on an electric guitar, with a BAND in mind). This is off "Cut With Junk", and although the recording is pretty rough/lo-fi, it has a certain charm, (well, maybe not). For any fans, this recording has the distinction of featuring Adam Overton on drums, so perhaps you could say that he was the first Sickboy drummer if you put an asterisk next to his name.


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Sydney NSW Australia
Photo Gallery Blog

Last logged in: 7/7/2009 1:28:10 AM         Pageviews:  21171
* Your song 'Pale' has just been added to fine station!
* Your song 'Ick' has just been added to Fresh station!
* Your song 'Pale' has just been added to Rays new songs station station!
* Your song 'Ick' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Fear & Arrogance' has just been added to Borderline Spectacular station!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to Borderline Spectacular station!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to playlist 16 station!
* Your song 'Troubled Sleep' has just been added to insomnIAC station!
* Your song '[other]' has just been added to Subtlely Powerful station!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to Multiple Eargasms station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #27 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Not Much Use For Pride' has just been added to melancholiac station!
* Your song 'Something Like Love' has just been added to Pennies from Heaven station!
* Your song 'I Hate It When You Kiss Me' has just been added to In the Evening station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #19 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #11 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Bellevue (Rough Mix)' has just been added to THREE LITTLE WORDS station!
* Your song 'Bellevue (Rough Mix)' has just been added to Subtlely Powerful station!
Russ Another good song, you're one of the best songwriters here!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to playlist 16 station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #8 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #7 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to Platinum Hits station!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to Platinum Hits station!
* Your song 'Something Like Love' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Anything Possible' is now #5 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Bellevue (Rough Mix)' has just been added to Three Little Words (Back Catalogue) station!
* Your song 'Alright' has just been added to Lonesome Wolf Radio station!
* Your song 'When Midnite Comes Around' has just been added to Private Stock station!
* Your song 'Down' has just been added to the party station!
* Your song 'Down' has just been added to Hidden Gemstones station!
* Your song 'Alright' has just been added to Enjoy These Choons station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to PROLE ART THREAT station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to Danzig2008 station!
* Your song 'Bellevue' has just been added to Danzig2008 station!
* Your song 'Big Kicks' has just been added to Rays New Songs Station station!
* Your song 'Big Kicks' has just been added to What Im Listening To This week station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to the party deux station!
* Your song 'The Mischief of Success' has just been added to left field standards station!
* Your song 'Bellevue' has just been added to the party deux station!
* Your song 'Bellevue' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'Anything Possible' has just been added to Alternative Modern Rock station!
* Your song 'It's OK, I'm Scared Too' has just been added to The Good Stuff, Too!!! station!
* Your song 'It's OK, I'm Scared Too' has just been added to crack*a*jack*crows*nest station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to NAKED ESKIMO BOXERS station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to Ipcriss Rats station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to Indie sound of America and beyond station!
* Your song 'Violence & Glitter' has just been added to Indigo Station station!
IAC Your song 'Sea Chanty' has just been added to tHe gArAgE station!
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Msg  Go!

Sickboy has moved to Sydney Australia. That's a big change from Atlanta. Otherwise, not much has changed in the way of the music. New songs with their familiar swagger. Not so much singing as spiting it out. Trying really hard to make something happen, and still getting excited when they hear themselves on the radio.
Indigo Station
Indie sound of America and beyond
the party deux
Freak Scene..
Borderline Spectacular
Subtlely Powerful
Platinum Hits
KWLF (Werewolve Radio)
playlist 16
Hidden Gemstones
more mighty songs
Out To Lunch
the party
left field standards
tHe gArAgE
The Good Stuff, Too!!!
Enjoy These Choons
Private Stock
Lonesome Wolf Radio
Awesome Audio
Joxley's List

Station Links
  the UK connection!
Page Links
Steve Ison   Good songs so shut up and pay attention!
Back Bone Shiver  
The Pretty Pagans  
Simon Leigh  

10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 6/1/2024 11:41:52 AM
Pageviews: 21171
