Justin Gambino, guitars, vocals
Ryan Kelley, guitars, vocals
Jason Solowczuk, lead vocals
Greg Stewart, bass, vocals
Steve Matzinger, drums

Seahorsenapkinforce was formed late in the summer of 2002 as a by-product of the vacuum left by what is often considered music. Composed of a wide range of ages, influences and styles, the band makes sounds that don't rest easily under any finger and takes pride in moving listeners to places they've never been. Recognizing that the most intriguing music is not made to fill a genre, or an outfit, or a wallet, Seahorsenapkinforce has gained steady ground and the growing hearts of its audiences since its inception.

SHNF is a five piece consisting of thousands of personalities. Justin Gambino is responsible for much guitar strumming. He comes from places beyond the sea and prefers that you avert your gaze. Greg Stewart will bass you and is currently training a collective of small Stewarts to begin a yet to be determined pyramid scheme. He lives near you. Ryan Kelley is from the woods, mountains, streams and frequently plays guitar. Occasionally, he naps, always in his jammies. Jason Solowczuk comes from the farm. He sings for you and will use his X-ray vision for evil. Steve Matzinger, bangs on anything you care to place in front of him and enjoys tattoos of little meaning. Steve was hatched in our rehearsal space.

Justin, Jason, Ryan and Steve, trace their history back to the illustrious ""Grampa's Pipe,"" formed when they were fourteen years old. Many years, many bands, and many iterations later, Justin and Steve, fresh from their adventures with ""The Penpals"" joined forces with Jason and Ryan, from the freshly dismembered ""Skim Milf."" Greg was obtained from a mail-order catalog soon after and Seahorsenapkinforce was formed in the summer of 2002. With friends and fans eager for the recombinant pleasure of longtime bandmates, SHNF's inception was warmly welcomed with sold out show after sold out show. Their fans continue to support them in all the best ways possible. It is a love/love relationship.

SHNF coagulated around the time bands were cleverly naming themselves after engines parts, dark states of mind, and other juvenile poetic devices. With so much ""tough"" in the air, how SHNF could compete with this verbal magic was a mystery. So after many high-powered summits on the issue, each band member was charged with imagining the toughest band name they could muster. Upon meeting again, all five members had independently come up with the same title for the project: Seahorsenapkinforce. The male seahorse gives birth which is rather tough. Also, the Lord whispered it to Justin while he was vacuuming the hall. Justin made sure to clean the hall very well.

Seahorsenapkinforce is mostly influenced by those cameras on intersections. Some have said that Seahorsenapkinforce is a mix of Pavement, circa ""Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain"" and Queen. Others say that Seahorsenapkinforce is a mix of The Mars Volta and The Flaming Lips. Seahorsenapkinforce, on the other hand, knows that they creates sounds that don't rest well under any finger, and steal their way to your tiny tender heart and set up an aviary to let the blue birds in and knit mufflers for your coldest worries....................................................


Discography Create In Me a Pure Heart O Seahorsenapkinforce (LP)
Maybe I'm No Go(o)d (EP)
Seahorsenapkinforce Found It In My Pocket (LP)

Seahorsenapkinforce currently has two albums available for mass consumption. Their first, entitled ""Create in me a pure heart O seahorsenapkinforce"" was released in 2003 after a year in the works. It features ten tracks for your collection. The second album, called ""Seahorsenapkinforce found it in my pocket"" was taken on in a much more experimental air. The tracks were written within a three week period and recorded in the order they written in two and one half hours on a Saturday afternoon in February 2004. All tracks were recorded live and on the first take including some banter between. This is only important in consideration of the amount of alcohol consumed before, during and after each take. The final album is true in its representation of a continuously rising alcohol level through the recording. After the studio recording in the afternoon, the band packed up for a live show to be recorded for the second half of the album that night. No one recalls this show, however someone did manage to record it. With all this delicate attention to detail, it is no wonder how the second album has out sold the first.

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