about jenn
Originally from California’s Bay Area, Jenn has planted her roots in Portland, OR. Though she spent most of her young life moving from state to state, there is a certain je ne sais quoi about the Northwest that provides her with a limitless supply of inspiration. Armed with such unique life experiences, her passion is to create meaningful music... while avoiding cliche.
As a songwriter, Jenn’s ability to transcend genres is what sets her apart from the rest. Though her performance career now spans nearly two decades, she has only just begun to tap into her potential as a writer. From Bluegrass to Hip-Hop and Rock, her songs continue to receive critical acclaim.

Currently, Jenn is in the studio working on her untitled solo debut album. Check her out on MySpace for all the latest! You can also send an email with mailing list in the subject line to music@jenndashney.com to have Jenn keep you posted on news and events.

What I've Waited For
This is a duo with my good friend Ryan Andrews who co-wrote the song with me.

Alternative Pop Rock

I Can't Wait to Leave
This song has a haunting quality to it. It combines strings with synth and acoustic instruments. Very different.


Fallen Angel
A heart-felt ballad about lost love.


Peace of Mind
My grown-up love song.


This is a song I wrote for my Daddy, may he rest in peace.

Alternative Pop Rock

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10/23/2012 10:55:34 AM
Jenn, your voice is so clean, clear and unique. I really enjoyed a good listen to your work. Heres wishing you the best in all that you do musically. You certainly deserve it.

Respect & Admiration,



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Last logged in: 3/30/2013 5:18:09 PM         Pageviews:  14502
WIKKED Jenn..you are as beautiful as you are talented..I added you to Voices of Angels a long time ago and really love your music.
Last Angel Horse Sanctua Hi. Great songs, lovely voice! Have added 'what i've waited for to our station. Cathy Lane xx
Melody I promise I can't get enough of your voice...I and the world need more of it!! PLEASE
* Your song 'I Can't Wait to Leave' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'I Can't Wait to Leave' has just been added to 50 Ways To Leave IAC station!
* Your song 'What I've Waited For' has just been added to Expressions of May station!
* Your song 'I Can't Wait to Leave' has just been added to Restless Hearts station!
* Your song 'What I've Waited For' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'What I've Waited For' has just been added to Diane's Place station!
* Your song 'What I've Waited For' has just been added to Extra! station!
IMP Your song 'What I've Waited For' has just been added to PICK station!
IMP Your song 'I Can't Wait to Leave' has just been added to PICK station!
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Currently in the studio working on her first solo album "Up to now".For info on how to preview pre-released tracks by Jenn, go to www.jenndashney.com

Expressions of May
Extra! Archive
PICK FM - a Desperado Revue station
Diane's Place
Prime Cuts
MOVE FM - a Desperado Revue station
Last Angel Horse Sanctuary
Hitline Archive
Voices of Angels
Hits of Tomorrow . . . Today

3/31/2013 12:18:56 AM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 12:55:32 PM
Pageviews: 14502


Jenn Dashney