Billy 'The Jack' has never been a part of any one crowd. He is equally at home in a funky dive, a red-neck honky-tonk, a swingin' jazz club, seedy punk-rock hole, a basement bash, or even a church. His roots based hard rock has elements of everything from rockabilly, funk, metal, blues and jazz while sounding like none of those things (at least to his ears; you may hear something totally unexpected). Boil it all down and its all just rock and roll anyway.

"After struggling for years with various genre specific projects and seeing little success, I decided to just incorporate my favorite elements of all rock and roll into one unified sound. I love a swingin' rhythm, a funky beat, a great guitar riff on overdrive, a skewed sense of humor and a show with lots of energy (Gad, this sounds like a bad personal add on Multch-dot-com! GAH! Instead of dancing with you, I'd rather you dance to my music). Instead of worrying about genres and 'sounds like' or what's hip and cool or if the girls will like me in these rock and roll clothes, I just let loose and created this new sound I'll call rock and roll.

"So far so good and I was very happy with the results."

Billy The Jack has finished his ten-song 'template' album and is in the process of putting it all together for the stage. This is only the beginning.

Get Out of My Way
A fast jump blues inspired romp of a story. We've all been there before, and we've all not made it there sometimes too.


Ugly Little Bad Man
This is a bonus song from an earlier and unsuccessful project that I whimsically added to the album my main tune is from.

big band

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Billy The jack and the Modern Throwbacks

12/3/2009 10:22:10 PM
I got's nine more from the album and I still haven't decided which song to complete my page with. Here's what I have: two more psycho-billy, a dynamic swing tune, two funk/disco flavored songs, one could be classified as classic rock or blues rock and one that is I don't know what the hell it is actually! All of them have the same instrumentation as the first. And then there's the bonus track: a straight-up big-band number with the horns and everything. So many choices and no resources to upgrade at this moment.


12/3/2009 11:32:43 AM
Welcome guys! Dig the sounds..more of the same please ; )



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Billy The jack and the Modern Throwbacks