About Heavy Metal-Word' / Itchy Metal Entertainment Inc. artist MikeDrastic

MikeDrastic is a hip-hop artist who brings elements of rock, blues, and funk to his diverse catalog of styles. At 6'4' 300 lbs, his physical stature combined with the raw growl he injects into his lyrics demands attention no matter where he goes. Part philosopher and part storyteller, MikeDrastic weaves together a musical narrative that draws on his life experiences of overcoming challenges with sheer will, revealing an artist who is talented, intelligent, and genuine. Born into a military family in Dayton, Ohio, he spent his youth moving across the United States taking in all that the country could offer, from glossy 'all-American' suburbs to the grim realities of inner city neighborhoods. These extremes taught him tolerance, street smarts, and the value of forward momentum. As an adult, he hails out of Seattle, where he now calls home, but has also lived in Portsmouth, VA and during his time in the US Air Force was stationed in Northern California, Texas, New Jersey, Italy, and Saudi Arabia.

MikeDrastic has calculated his major push into the music industry shrewdly, spending his time cultivating his craft, learning the business, and studying every aspect he can about humanity. He compares his intense approach to the deliberateness of what one finds in nature, 'Anyone who knows me, knows the tiger is my favorite animal. I relate to them for many reasons. First off, he is a solitary hunter, relying on no other creature to assist him in his hunt. This isn't to say I don't need a team, because I have an outstanding team that supports me. It simply states that when it comes down to it, I can hold my own, and it's my hunger for making music that drives me. Secondly, a tiger creeps up quietly on its prey and waits for the precise and perfect moment to burst out with raw energy, power, and speed. This is exactly how I am coming at the music scene. I have been watching, learning, and moving in'quietly waiting for the right time to spring on the world. I am sinking my claws into this game and absolutely nothing is going to stop me.'

Mike has shared the stage with names such as Sir Mix-A-Lot, Digital Underground, P.I.D., 3rd Nail Productions (MG! The Visionary), Dynamic Twins, and T-Bone. and has performed in California, Washington State, BC Canada, Saudi Arabia, and Italy (an impromptu performance that rocked the roof off of a club in Rimini, Italy). After taking a hiatus from the stage and the scene, he has returned with a brand new self-titled EP, MikeDrastic, containing 6 songs showcasing his wide range of abilities from those that rock the spot ('Buckwild', '3Shots'); to deep tracks that inspire reflection and emotion ('The Road', 'Flight'); to controversial subjects such as the Illuminati ('Down'); and finally, fuses his own life experiences into a fictitious tale of a man driven over the edge ('Worst Side of Me'). A powerhouse of musical style, including lending his own vocal talents to choruses and backgrounds, MikeDrastic is a lyricist whose fans willingly succumb to his primal lullaby.

Find more MikeDrastic here

About Heavy Metal-World' (www.heavymetal-world.com)
Heavy Metal-World' is a new media agency HQ'ed in Los Angeles, CA comprised of industry experts and developed in early 2008 as an innovative way to market, manage, promote and distribute new media and independent music by leveraging emerging platforms and partners.

About Itchy Metal Entertainment, Inc. (www.itchymetal.com)
Recently acquired by Heavy Metal-World, Inc. Itchy Metal Entertainment is a Las Vegas, NV - based music production company. IME specializes in artist development, talent scouting, music recording, producing and distribution as well as internet marketing campaigns and strategies '

3 Shots

Hip Hop/Rap

Worst Side Of Me

Hip Hop/Rap

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* Your song 'Worst Side Of Me' has just been added to IF YOU'RE NOT THE LEAD DOG... station!
* Your song '3 Shots' has just been added to IF YOU'RE NOT THE LEAD DOG... station!
* Your song 'Worst Side Of Me' has just been added to Experience Sound station!
* Your song 'Worst Side Of Me' has just been added to ZTP FAVORITES!!! station!
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