Xyviera (Zi-Vi-Era), affectionately known as ""Lulu"", is a 16 year old born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. Lulu prefers to call her musical style “Eclectic Hip-Hop” because it encompasses not only the hard-hitting bass lines, but guitar and other instruments not traditionally associated with the Hip-Hop genre. Lulu's music is devoid of the cursing, money, sex, drugs, and gun lyrics that have invaded most forms of popular music; instead, she promotes uplifting messages or lyrical images that connect to strong emotional challenges. Her style is heavily influenced by the myriad of instruments she taught herself to play. Between the ages of 5 and 7, she began playing the guitar and piano. By the age of 12, she also mastered the trumpet and drums. All of these instruments create the broad musical landscape for her songs.

As a girl growing up in a very judgmental society, Lulu is passionate about enabling positive messages to teens facing bullying, being social outcasts, and other self-esteem issues facing teenagers. Lulu is the creator of FLXXMOVEMENT - an organization dedicated to the principles of respect for diversity and respect among young people. She intends to use it as a platform to voice her agenda through music and other popular media outlets. The FLXXMOVEMENT website is currently under development and will allow teens to socially connect through art, music, photography, and poetry on a global platform. Additionally, it will be the focal point for purchasing FLXXGEAR - a clothing and product line designed and created by Lulu.

Lulu is currently completing her debut album, “Life Before Fame”. The tracks will be a collection of heart-touching songs geared toward letting teens know that she understands the emotional struggles of growing up – love, pain, and acceptance.


Hip Hop

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