Toxic Virgin stand for pure rock music, boundless energy, catchy refrains and acclaimed live gigs. In short: hard'n heavy music which is a lot of fun and covers the whole range of heavy rock.

Toxic Virgin have been together since 1995 and published four CDs (Love Rocket EP 1999 , Toxic Virgin CD 2000 , Circle of Power CD 2001 , Sulphur CD 2004 ) which received excellent reviews in musical publications and were highly acclaimed all over the world. . The live concerts of the five musicians from Krefeld, Germany, ( f.e. together with STATUS QUO,THERAPY?,DOG EAT DOG, DORO PESCH or BONFIRE ) attract and convince audiences all over Germany and even abroad. Such qualities as a live-band also granted them their twice repeated participation in the finals of the German Rock Musicians Awards. Toxic Virgin embody a lifestyle and not a short-lived fashion. In other words:
Rock'n roll is coming home!

Waiting for the rain

Hard Rock

Broken wings
Mid tempo rocker with medieval elements

Hard Rock

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10/23/2012 11:13:47 AM
Awesome guitar and drum work. Also liked the vocals. No doubt, you guys Rock!

Much Respect,



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Krefeld Germany
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* Your song 'Waiting for the rain' has just been added to The Crystal Palace station!
* Your song 'Waiting for the rain' has just been added to The real truth about global warming. station!
seraphim your song broken wings is F--KING solid.
* Your song 'Broken wings' has just been added to DISCOVERY CHANNEL station!
* Your song 'Broken wings' has just been added to Blam station!
* Your song 'Waiting for the rain' has just been added to Songs with "Rain" in the Title station!
IMP Your song 'Broken wings' has just been added to JUST LISTEN! station!
IMP Your song 'Waiting for the rain' has just been added to TOUGH FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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3/8/2014 7:09:34 PM
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Toxic Virgin