Hello. I'm James. I play bass and sing in Ether City. I write some of their songs, too. Our band website is here and our MySpace page is here.

I guess if you want to know what sort of songs I write, listen to them. There are a few here, some on the band MySpace, and a couple more songs on my space on... er... MySpace.

I Just Wanted To Say
Taken from QR, an EP of six songs.


Prima Ballerina
A tribute to the delightful Ballerina Gurl. I read on her page that Kid Ric was writing a song for her, and that put the idea in the back of my mind. Then in late January, the chorus occurred to me, so I wrote the rest and recorded it.

Pop Rock

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Last logged in: 9/15/2015 7:05:00 AM         Pageviews:  21547
vallyP ust been playing my 50 Top Rated songs from my iTunes collection, and guess what just came up? A James Casey sandwiched between Counting Crows and Bonnie Raitt. Good company you're keeping here, James...;-)
James Casey Counting Crows... big favourite of my brother Andrew. Cheers, Valerie.
Andrew no they're not.
Hugh Hi, James. Having a nice little listen to Beautiful Things at SlowCommotion...thought I'd stop by...
And actually in fairness i just started listening to them again
Hugh Ha! I don't know either!!
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* Your song 'Prima Ballerina' has just been added to Laces Place station!
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3/12/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/1/2024 6:54:38 PM
Pageviews: 21547


James Casey