Terry Lynn is a singer songwriter whose songs both deeply introspective and lighthearted; explore the many facets of human nature.

Influenced by the classic singer-songwriters of the 60's and 70's Joni Mitchell, Carol King, James Taylor, John Prine, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Townes Van Zandt, and the like, as well as comtemporaries David Wilcox, Dar Williams, and Claire Lynch. Her songs paint vivid pictures with strong characters, exploring the relationship with self and the perseptions that color our view of our world, and each other. From direct to poetic her lyrical style strongly reflects her love of language. A long time lover of all styles of music, melodically she courageously explores them all, in her own unique way. There are touches of rock, pop, country, blues and jazz, even celtic, and latin influences heard here and there throughout her repetoire.
Seeing a live show is a bit of a roller coaster ride. She enjoys flipping the tables to take you from the sultry sounds of “Desire” a ballad that explores a young girls quest for passion, and her struggle with who's really at the wheel of her life, to the peppy pop of “Daydreams” a song about optomistically chasing your deepest desires, to the alternative rock sounds of “Blind Fate” about the constant pressure to secum to cynicism. She compels you to stick around just to see what she'll say next. Easily moving from introspective and poetic, to downright comic, she seamlessly weaves poems, stories and music into an intimate conversation with her audience. Unafraid to share her deeply personal experiences and embarrassing moments, she pokes fun at herself , with songs like ""Silent Treatment"" a witty response to being ignored mid-argument, to ""Everything I Feel"" a girls justification for dating a guy her girlfriends call a ""hair band poser, who'll turn her upside down"", to 'Cry"" a poppy tune about the therapeutic benefits of openly venting and a woman's perogative to have a ""real good cry"" she enjoys sharing the things that as Terry would put it, make us all "just a little freaky, a little stuck in between."

As Terry Lynn says " Part of the reason I write songs is to figure out for myself, what life is trying to tell me, about myself. My life has been one big long Special Ed Class. And I'm just trying to figure out what I'm overlooking, so I can quit making the same same mistakes. I figure the least I can do is share what I've figured out and maybe spare someone else the trouble."

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Terry Lynn