Updated 1/17/2024 3:03:35 AM
Last View: 6/2/2024 4:48:55 PM
Last Login: 6/10/2013 8:49:11 PM
IndieMusicPeople.com       Huminuh
About Me
life summary
You'll have to get someone else to fill this part out after I'm dead and gone.
I live for…
Peace of mind, my family and real friends, chocolate, good red wine, getting some wind on my motorcycle, connecting with interesting minds, creating things that other people treasure.
I despise
Unsolicited advice, hatefulness, being restricted an anyway shape form, and corporate America.
self-chosen nickname
Huminuh, Long story. It has to do with Jackie Gleason from the Honey Mooners show and a misunderstanding. The nick name was given to me, not self chosen as a result of this misunderstanding. I was 18 and the name stuck.
life turning point
There have been many twists and turns and hope for some more.
in 10 years I'll be
Rich!! I tell ya I mean RICH$$$$$$$ (Laughing)
in 10 minutes I'll be
Hopefully eating something. I never get to during daylight hours for some reason.
experience of high strangeness
The meaning of life.
most overrated
Status Symbols (keeping my pervie mind clean here)
most underrated
Many deserving artists.
my advice to you
If you ask, I may have some or maybe not.
About me? I'm just a creative chick who loves music and artistic forms of expression. I'm 42 year old tall blonde hippie chick, married, no kids just critters and have a bit of a dare devil in me. Oh yeah, I have a warped sense of humor to go with it all. Since the age of 12 I have been various shades of vegetarian and was once apon a time a strict vegan. I have a deep love for animals and protecting our environment. The world of Paranormal investigation and other unexplained things entrigues me to no end. If I had enough time I would so love to become an investigator of these things to sort out the fake from the real unexplained.

I finally opened my own art gallery in Downtown Plymouth. MA. USA. I have my own jewelry creations available plus host a few other jewelry designers there. You will also find paintings, photography, sculpture, glass and metal works available. My website is still under construction but you can view the home page and calendar of events. The online gallery should be up in a few days after (6/09/09) Visit me at www.Nightgallery52.com if you have interest in seeing what I have been up to. I remodeled the place all by myself removing old yucky carpet, installing wood floors, painting, refurbishing jewelry cases and rewiring the lighting etc. A labor of love it is and hope for the best in this rotten economy!

I used to spend a lot more time here on IAC when I was unemployed a few years ago and helping my dear friend Hadley with internet exposure and lining up gigs etc for her. In the process I found all of you! Thank you for your wonderful creations and I am thrilled to be streaming my IAC favorites at Night Gallery and other special events. I will do my best to drop by and say hello to my old friends here and take a listen to some new stuff I have been missing out on when time allows. Love you guys!

My Recent Topics
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5/23/2009 8:35:30 PM
Night Gallery's first Opening Sun 5/24 6-8pm

4/10/2009 8:22:37 PM
It's official! You guys are streaming from my Art Gallery

2/9/2009 7:12:35 PM
Yippeee!!! I got my Art Gallery Space

10/19/2007 9:32:10 AM
Which IAC artist have you seen perform?

10/19/2007 9:31:07 AM
I saw IAC artist Lee Tyler Post perform on WED!




My IndieMusicPeople Links
Sandman's Songbirds   Sandy has a great station and is just plain cool.
Huminuh's Harder Side Finds   One of my wicked cool stations
Huminuh's Best Finds   My first station here on IAC
Hadley   My dear friend Hadley with the VOICE
Musicians For Compassion   Maria is one of my favorite artists and has a great station here. Go show her some love :)
Gina French   Gina is just freakin awesome :)
Chapa   Chapa dares to be different blurring the lines of genre and musical "Rules"
KanNal   I just discovered this band and I am SOOOOO addicted
Huminuh's World's Best Salad Bar  
Country Folk & Blue Shades of Grass   This is my 4th station with music flavors described in the title and others that fit ;)
Horus8 & The Werewolves   What a prolific artist. Lots of spoken word and wild twists of genre here.
Maria-Daines   Marias music streaming for your pleasure at her pipeline page ;)
ROFLMAO!!!!   My newest station dedicated to warped humor. This station may not be appropriate for all ages or sensativity levels.
Night Gallery   Ever changing station name with great tunes just for Huminuh's special public events!

        �2015-2016 IndieMusicPeople      All Rights Reserved

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Dario Hi Lauri!!! Thank you for the rotation. Best wishes
Carolyn Hey Lauri, welcome back from vacation-did u stay red for the trip? anyway I think all our song plays dropped a 100x since u've been away haha!
Susan Hello. You look nice and so does your jewellery! And your stations show a fine taste in music.
staggerlee hi lauri...thanks for leaving me a nice message. i see we're pretty nearly neighbors. tx dana
lost Hi ! Thanks for the info on Hadley. I fixed the review. Still lovin that voice.
silverwoodstudio Some great music here! Also always good to meet other left handed musos! check out "coastline" on our page! thanks
Hugh Hi, Laurie - pleased to have even a tiny bit of action at your page...hope you're having a great "break" and we'll see ya back soon...? Ciao...
Gideon Layne
SILVERWOODSTUDIO really appreciate your support----we are so far away in New Zealand sometimes it's all like a dream---!
Hugh Admit it - your REAL name is Anna Graham! lol - nice ones!
Mortamor Thanks for dropping by, Miss Hummin'. Lovely as usual. PEACE! -M-
* Your song 'Artstrollintro' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Plymouth Art Stroll intro' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Down Town Plymouth Art Stroll intro 1 - ' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Huminuh - second voice clip' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Lauri - 3rd voice clip for the Plymouth Art Stroll' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Lauri - Plymouth Art Stroll 3rd clip' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
* Your song 'Lauri - Down Town Plymouth Art Stroll 4th clip' has just been added to Plymouth Art Stroll 9/15-16 station!
Hugo Want a Hugo recording of some bizarre sort for the Art Stroll? 'twould be my pleasure...(!) :)
Lee Tyler Hi Lauri! Thank you for coming out to the NYC show. I did not get to meet you though ? Unless that was you with your friend in the back, i said goodbye at the end ? Either way, THANK YOU! So glad you enjoyed the show :) Lee
Hugh GREAT to see your note in my shout box! I'll make a point of visiting your online gallery...will check your blog - looks like congrats are in order...
Hugh GREAT to see your note in my shout box! I'll make a point of visiting your online gallery...will check your blog - looks like congrats are in order...
HugoNymph We heard you have an off-color sense of humor...tee-hee...
Sandman Hey Lauri, so great to hear from you. We have missed you at the site big time! Get your butt back here and liven up the place! Really nice to hear from you. Best of luck with your shop.
Sandman I tried to email you but it got returned. You must have a new one. Mine is the same so send me one and I'll write you back!
Sandman Hey Lauri, Ann and Nancy finally have come to IAC. Check them out Most excellent!!!!
SILVERWOODSTUDIO well you have friends all over here! we are just thankful that we are a part of that!!! love and peace Rob
Name  Link

My Stations
Huminuh's World's Best Salad Bar
Country Folk & Blue Shades of Grass
Night Gallery

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      1/16/2024 9:03:27 PM Add Comment
I'm really impressed with this post and hope that fnf mods will have the most enjoyable music experiences for everyone participating in the game.


      11/1/2023 11:21:27 PM Add Comment
Mana's unique style and musical approach have greatly influenced my own artistic direction. His guitar playing and elaborate costumes have always retro bowl college fascinated me.

Matthew Lily

      11/21/2020 11:07:15 AM Add Comment
These pages were not active for me before, but the help that I got from this online essay writers post helped me out massively. I will share this post with my friends now, because they can use the content here in a useful way.

Larz Boah

      4/18/2009 3:36:49 AM Add Comment
Glad 2 hear from you Lauri! ..glad you got
your pages active again...you little gem you! ;)

Lee Tyler Post

      11/8/2007 4:04:12 PM Add Comment
Hi Lauri! Ok, cool. That was you. Well i'm sorry we did not at least get to say "hello" i'm so and so from IAC HA HA! I did acknowledge you both though right LOL ? Again, Thank you so much for coming out. I know its not cheap cruising into the city ..Greenwich Village even. Thank your sister for me too ok :) Well, take it easy and have a super weekend coming up - Lee

The Man With No Band

      9/12/2007 1:51:57 AM Add Comment
Laurie ... Just wanted to say ... Great thing your doing for our fellow IAC Artist at your shows ... Keep on Rockin' girl ..


      8/16/2007 10:36:58 PM Add Comment
It was worth it just to see your beautiful jewellery---------I really believe that art and music are two sides of the same coin-------thanks for sharing your talent!!


      5/4/2006 12:48:49 PM Add Comment
AH it's so hard to limit my rambling to a "shout"!! Hope all that made sense up there....Drop by my page often, and I'll do the same here. REALLY great stuff on ALL your stations.. :)

Plymouth MA USA view more pics...          