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IndieMusicPeople.com       Spillage: Brian Booth
About Me
life summary
songwriter, nurse, husband, father, songwriter
experience of high strangeness
listening to Manhole by Grace Slick, reading the lyrics and finding that 'miss takes are made are maid because words are miss under stud/it's all in vowel you talk' made perfect sense
my advice to you
someone, somewhere might like what you do - give them a chance to listen, give yourself a chance to prove it
Me? Can't sing, barely adequate guitarist - but I think my songs are OK..

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Brian Booth  
Our Mutual Friends   Declaration of interest: I know these guys... But their music is still great, a heady mix of rock, blues and acoustic balladry. Watch out for more of their work coming online
The Rubrics   Here's a collection of songs that give the lie to the old joke about banjos and hand grenades, impeccably played with lyrics that are, by turns, witty, profound and revealing
Harper Stephens   It's (generally) invidious to compare an original singer/songwriter to someone who has gone before, but words fail me here - all I can say is, if you like John Martyn, you really should listen to these songs. Superb.
John Kerruish   Thank you, le roger, for introducing me to these whisky-soaked miniature marvels of songwriting
  here's some of the music I like
Ash Ferry   How can a voice make you think, simultaneously, of a razor blade and dark blue velvet? And the tone on those guitars - ah, stuff it, listen for yourself, and anyone who manages to sum this sound up in the alloted space will have my eternal gratitude
  more music I like
  When I first started a station, the idea was to have just one track per artist. But I hadn't thought it through.. there are so many gifted people on IAC, one track from them just isn't enough, so here's my 'overspill' station
Naal Ottsun   What a voice, what an ear for melody - acoustic songwriting at another level
Kelly   Try 'All About Timing' to get a feel for this bunch - glorous vocals and fantastic guitar sound, with good songs to boot. Warning: can be addictive
Paul-Kicks   Paul is an astonishingly modest songwriter, with an ear for words that makes me (only a little bit) jealous at times. He's damn good at harmonies, too - and plays great lead - I'm starting to hate him already
Psyche's Muse   Don't bother if you tend to click off a new artist after a few bars. But stick it out - well worth it. You have to listen to understand, I think, and for some of their material, you must have more than one hearing to get what's going on
  Even more IAC treasures - it's addictive
  ...see what I mean?
Eaglehead   Classy, classic rock, underpinned by some great lyrics - a new take on an established style, but it works
David Hosking   What a songwriter. Nothing more I can say.
The End of the World Social Club   I have to include this - having played clubs in the north of England, seeing the 'con sec' bon mots here makes me weep with laughter. Non-Brit listeners: please ask for translations, if necessary
Al Stravinsky   Musicians who have faced audiences - be it live, or via IAC - and have then honed their music accordingly, deserve the highest respect. Lazeangennulmen - Al Stravinsky
Jon Valenti   Don't know why, I just feel that here's someone to watch out for - there's something in the voice
Lane   If you've liked what you've heard so far on this page, you're going to love this - especially if you like harmonies and note-perfect acoustic guitar

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Ash I Love when you SHOUT.
el roger Hi. Apparrantley le rammjets are collaborating with le roger to cover another of your tracks ! I was there at the "lo-fi palace" last evening and they were pretending to be musical !
el roger Oh Gosh ! Just got back from "lo-fi" central ... and there was a terrible argument..... le roger thought he was le 'great guitarer'..le rammjets said they didn't need him no more ! They wouldn't reply to apologies via email and banned him!! . So .see ya!!
staggerlee hi---pls listen to my new song, "rain-wide river" when you get a chance. tx
brian stag - done even before I read this - el roger - see my email - Ash - I am calm personified, it's part of my job - Anon (moving into philosophical territory): who are you? - no link - These multiple replies are a piece of cake, aren't they?
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Psyche's Muse

      2/1/2007 9:27:40 AM Add Comment
Hey, Brian. Please give me a shout whenever you can. I hope all is well with you and yours. PEACE!

Kid Ric

      7/21/2006 7:37:55 PM Add Comment
Hello Brian, Thanks for the advice you sent me via the Pipeline. Peace, love and light, Kid Ric

Brian Booth

      6/24/2006 7:06:18 PM Add Comment
Do you really need me to say 'go'? C'mon, mate, we're all fascinated to see what the hell you do next

Brian Booth

      6/24/2006 5:05:20 PM Add Comment
le roger - I think my thanks are due to you, my baby is out in the big wide world now, fending for herself - and I also hope this isn't the last time we try something like this


      6/14/2006 1:54:34 PM Add Comment

That is the funniest picture I've ever seen! I can't stop laughing, everytime I look at it. Paul that is tooo funny! Brian thanks for posting that. HAHAAHA anybody who wants to get a kick for the day.
Order your Brian Booth perch Doll today!

See the Brian Booth Perch Doll

Brian Booth

      6/13/2006 8:08:15 AM Add Comment
Has a seven-piece band, has been associated with some of the greats, played solo down the MoK a while back - stunning guitarist. Google him and see his links - even Michael Moorcock is in there

Our Mutual Friends

      6/13/2006 6:29:29 AM Add Comment
David Blosse, forgive me if my ignorance is showing, but should I know him?

Brian Booth

      6/12/2006 9:34:15 PM Add Comment
Thanks for that - just as at our jam night, I forget the words to songs I've been singing for donkey's years, I get inarticulate at this site. What you say makes sense; I apprehend it, but don't comprehend it. Dave Blosse came down to the jam night on Sunday, and I was all of a twitch, to have someone of that level of musicianship in the room; then he asked for one of my songs, and I went to pieces. Here on IAC, it's different - fantastic musicians comment, and it's no problem. (Does any of the above make sense?)

Our Mutual Friends

      6/12/2006 7:09:14 AM Add Comment
In response to El's comment below, I wasn't suggesting that somebody shouldn't do Brians' tunes. As you've said yourself below Brian, this is the whole spirit of this site. I was just suggesting that your voice suits your songs more than you think it does. One tends to get more out of ones own lyrics, especially if they have personal meaning. No?

Brian Booth

      6/9/2006 11:03:24 AM Add Comment
I wouldn't presume to interfere - and this is not false English modesty, I'm honoured to have people like you even thinking about doing a new version of something I've written. Please, do it - if you need chords or lyrics, just ask - this is my IAC dream coming true


      6/9/2006 7:31:13 AM Add Comment

"demolish" omg! that's too funny! I'm picturing some huge wrecking ball swinging around. I'm with you on all you said in your message el roger. I'll go with the flow of whatever is decided upon by you talented guys.


      6/8/2006 7:49:38 PM Add Comment

Ok now you done it Brian! It would be entirely worth it to me to not only have your mini guitar jammed in my ear, but how could I possibly resist a "Brian Booth Shoulder Perch Doll" with customized speech just for Ash' ear. (we can both get thrown off the site together) giggle.


      6/8/2006 7:40:34 PM Add Comment

hehe! Actually, never having a mini-guitar jammed in my ear, it might be kinda fun at least once in my life.

Spillage: Brian Booth

      6/6/2006 10:00:45 AM Add Comment
sorry Paul - as an Englishman who grew up in another continent, you probably find your countrymen's ability to accept compliments quite bewildering

Spillage: Brian Booth

      6/6/2006 9:23:13 AM Add Comment
Paul: I'm sure bad language would get me thrown off the site, so please try and imagine what I might have said

Our Mutual Friends

      6/6/2006 9:19:50 AM Add Comment
On a more serious note Bri, I've laways thought that your voice fits in well with your songs, to me to hear anyone else sing them it wouldn't be the same. I know what you say about being a performer. You are more of one than you think you are. I have seen you with a couple of gold Stars down you neck on a wednesday night! I remember you and Tracey, (and was jim there as well?) doing "ball and chain". Fantastic performance all round. Stunning harmonies as usual.

This is the one: http://www.manofkent.org.uk/jammin002/slides/Picture%20030.html

Oh and for everyone else, more pictures of brian in action can be found here:

Our Mutual Friends

      6/6/2006 9:12:17 AM Add Comment
Just Checking the Feasability, but I'm sure we could get the Brian Booth shoulder perching Doll in production soon!!!! Nice one Ash thanks for the mental picture. You would have to watch out for your ears, he does tend to swing his guitar neck around a bit! (sorry brian couldn't resist! ;-)

Spillage: Brian Booth

      6/4/2006 8:08:40 PM Add Comment
Are you two trying to make me cry? Thanks, I'm not sure you're right, but it means a lot to hear it, especially from different sources

Working together - oh yes please, but just a few logistical problems to get over - for example, West Coast US/Australia/UK - anyway, I'd be knocked out if either of you had a go at any of my song

Thanks, both of you, I don't know what to say, forgive me


      6/4/2006 4:02:01 PM Add Comment
Very well said el roger. Brian did you see it? read it again and again :)

btw you are sweet for the comment about me singing one of brians songs, I would be very honored if I ever had that chance. It would so special if all of us did it together. can you imagine? wowa

Brian Booth

      6/3/2006 6:51:32 PM Add Comment
Well, Ash, I'm moved - thank you. Your response makes it worth the effort to write; even if you're the only person ever to feel that way, I've not wasted my time.

My intended point: I'm not much cop as a singer or guitarist; I believe in my songs, though, and the reason they're on IAC is that I pray someone with real performing talent will pick one up and run with it. I'd expect a site with such easy access to be full of people like me, but I'm constantly amazed at the high standard of performance, which is why I feel I don't belong, and I'm humbled by responses like yours.

Does any of that make sense? On re-reading, I'm not so sure

Ash Ferry

      6/3/2006 2:53:56 PM Add Comment
Brian, you said this about yourself in your last comment "Yet IAC has however many thousands of artists, and I feel I'm not fit to be alongside the vast majority - how did that happen?"

This really bewilders me. *I'm assuming and I hope I wrong*, that you feel that the vast majority of music here is better is more worthy than yours. That makes me sad to know this is how you feel about your music somewhere deep inside of you. I'm here to validate to you somehow that what you're writing is so full of metaphoric brilliance. I won't say which song, but this ash had to use all her strength to swallow my tears. This is the 3rd time in my entire long life a song has beaten me down to that state of mind.

It was fantastic

Brian Booth

      6/2/2006 5:15:48 PM Add Comment
On technology: There's something odd about the way IAC has developed - for example, TV has got (say) a thousand stations, and 996 are showing drivel at any one time. Yet IAC has however many thousands of artists, and I feel I'm not fit to be alongside the vast majority - how did that happen?

Brian Booth

      6/1/2006 11:19:11 PM Add Comment
Thank you Ash - I suspect that your way is how the majority of people make their connections. So long as we're hearing new music, though, it doesn't matter how we get there - and we have the privilege of being able to link directly. As we see now - this beats waiting backstage to try to talk to you, for example

Ash Ferry

      6/1/2006 10:28:09 PM Add Comment
Nice conversation going here. Everybody has said something great about IAC. For myself, I don't get to travel about the site listening to music as much as alot of the other members do. I find my away around by the beauty of other artists making a connection to me. I listen to their music and I find that one total genius gem on their songlist that keeps me forever.

Brian Booth

      6/1/2006 10:21:29 PM Add Comment
Sorry - grumpy old man mode there for a moment. Back to OMF's point: if we don't put out the music, then we can't complain about nobody listening to it. If we do make our music public, and no-one likes it, that's down to us. But IAC is a place where the music is judged on merits other than 'marketability', by our peers. That has to be a good thing

Brian Booth

      6/1/2006 7:09:39 PM Add Comment
Again - amen to that. You could spend a good part of your life just dipping into the IAC reservoir, pulling up major catches most times, but in the 'real' world, you're no-one until you're famous. Talent? - immaterial; people seem to want what everybody else wants, irrespective of value

Our Mutual Friends

      6/1/2006 5:09:28 PM Add Comment
Evening all. Variety, I would have said that I had a very narrow taste in music. Since signing up here I have some to realise (rather obviously in hindsight) that there is more to hear than the wallpaper that gets played on commercial radio. Every time I log on to check how our music is going down I find a link that leads me to another song that I like. As long as people keep posting here, people will keep listening.


      5/23/2006 11:39:09 PM Add Comment
Hey Guys, Brian thanks for inviting me to your discussion. I agree with you about IAC, it is like a big family, we all have so much to be proud of in each other. Everytime an artist has something exciting happen to them, I feel like it happened to me as well! I am very proud to be not only a part of the IAC Staff, but also a part of this wonderful community. You guys are what Independent Spirit is all about ! :)

Spillage: Brian Booth

      5/23/2006 7:40:56 PM Add Comment
Ray - amen to that. At my local pub's jam night, you break a string, everyone's waving a replacement at you; someone hears a new artist, they have to lend the CD to everyone else. I love IAC because it's that kind of musician's ideal writ very, very large

Brian Booth

      5/21/2006 9:09:20 PM Add Comment
May 22 2006: I love this site. In basic mathematical terms: real musicians = comments worth heeding

Brian Booth

      5/13/2006 8:26:08 PM Add Comment
May 14 2006: I started posting songs on this site a mere seven or eight weeks ago, and what an experience it's been so far... If you know someone who, like me, is holding back from putting forward their original material because they're not particularly good at performing their stuff, tell them to sign up now and be judged by people who can apparently see beyond performance

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