Some others say there is a stone in Batriana named Eumetris, which – if it lies underneath your head while dreaming – turns dreams into solid, sound prophecies.

EUMETRIS is a musical cooperation between the musicians, songwriters and performers Hans Lamboo en Bart van Schoonhoven. To both of us it is the fulfilling of a long-cherished wish: the writing, recording and releasing of an album with popmusic. This album is entitled “412nd” (for one second) and was released in December 2005; it contains completely new and original songs, performed in a way we like best. We hope our music meets the taste of many others.

Brainstorming about a name or title for our project, Bart suggested 412nd (for one second) – a small capture from the lyrics of Hourglass, a song he wrote about relativity of our lifes related to the existance of the world and the universe. But we thought it too abstract as a group-name.
When Bart was reading the book Imprimatur, he was intrigued by the myth about EUMETRIS, the stone that turns dreams into prophecies, if it lies underneath your head while dreaming. We both liked the mystic idea and concept, so EUMETRIS it was.

Why 412nd?
The album initially was named Hourglass. And then there was that strange week, in which two things occured. Hans went for a short holiday to the Greek island of Samos and Bart couldn't let go that particulair name 412nd and decided to register his idea as After his holiday Hans told Bart about this dream he had on Samos. At the very same moment that Bart was thinking very hard about whether he would register 412nd, Hans had a dream about the album and it was called 412nd. That was too much of a coincidence so 412nd it was.

Turning Point


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