Updated 4/24/2024 7:06:26 PM
Last View: 6/2/2024 1:13:39 PM
Last Login: 6/5/2009 12:58:08 PM
IndieMusicPeople.com       Angus Gillies
About Me
I live for…
My wife and son, friends and family, writing, music, soccer and making good TV.
I despise
Pretentious, greedy or manipulative people.
self-chosen nickname
life turning point
My life has had more turning points than a slalom ski track. The arrival of my son Rogie eleven years ago was prettty huge.
in 10 years I'll be
Making music and writing books fulltime.
in 10 minutes I'll be
Going to get some Asian Takeaways.
most overrated
Any monarchy or celebrity that gets special treatment but has no skill or talent.
most underrated
Duncan Gillies (songwriter), Iain Gillies (writer).
my advice to you
Don't under-estimate the magic inherent in everyday ordinary life.
I've been playing guitar and writing songs since I was fourteen. I'm now forty. It's something I do, a bit like breathing. I have no urge to perform in front of large crowds. And I don't want to be the next Justin Timberlake or Johnny Cash. But I like the idea of being able to share my songs with people. And websites like this have made that possible. Up until this year, I used to just record them on my four-track and send CDs out to friends and family. This is much more fun. Occasionally I talk my wife Tui into doing background vocals for me and that seems to lift the songs. I also jam with my younger brother songwriter extraordinaire Duncan Gillies, calling ourselves The Apocalyptic Folk Club.

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Rachel Fuller and Pete Townshend   Anyone connected with Pete Townshend has got to be cool.

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      4/24/2024 2:06:17 PM Add Comment
In the eerie aftermath of a cataclysmic event known as dead plate, players navigate a desolate world ravaged by both nature and technology. Survivors scavenge amidst the ruins, piecing together clues to unravel the mystery behind the catastrophe. With every step, they confront not only the undead remnants of society but also the haunting echoes of a bygone era. Dead Plate offers a gripping blend of survival, exploration, and unraveling the enigmatic past, where every decision shapes the fate of the shattered world.

Auckland none New Zealand view more pics...          