In this over saturated age of gansta pimp hustlin money makin' thugs, I wanted to show that there's two sides to a coin...

Many people judge hip-hop on the the infamous cases pitting freedom of speech vs censorship, and much of the music does raise questions of values, sending a picture that the hip hop culture as a whole, doesn't have one.

The project that I'm working on is being created to show that there is another side of hip-hop that is often ovelooked, and when you delve deeper, it shows the true potential of the art.

This Judges CD is being compiled to show that a modern hip-hop classic does NOT have to have a parental advisory sticker on it.

Support indie music, because it will support you! - Mista Wicket

The Vision
This song illustrates what could be a perfect world...

Hip Hop/Rap

Do It Right
A message to inspire bandwagon rappers to be more creative with their music...

Hip Hop/Rap

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Mista Wicket

11/25/2006 5:49:16 PM
Today I stumbled upon the IAC website, and though I've got my own site, I figured, a little networking could do me some good. After uploading a couple of tracks, and entering my first two blog entries ever, which I'll probably copy & paste for my Myspace page, I feel ready to look at some of the other artists material.

I hope people don't mind my opinions on their songs... but honestly, I am the kind of guy that won't say anything, if I have nothing nice to say, yet on the flipside of that same coin, I want to know what people think about my music. I can respect people's views and opinions, and use what I feel can help make me a better artist/person...

I'll be sharing this site with some other's, like Ser Mad @ the Madhouse, & some of the other guys over @ Omega's from the Ezboards I visit alot. Hopefully I'll get more feedback here, with other likeminded and aspiring artists, but even if I don't, it's a good feeling to share my musical creations with others who may find it inspirational, or dare I say... life changing...!?! LOL at the posibilities...

I don't know how often I'll post, probably depends on the feedback I get, but looking foward to this experience here...

Until next time...


- Mista Wicket



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Mista Wicket