A T H O S Demarta = Vocals, Lyrics, Co-Producer

Athos is a young artist searching for a way to give people initiative to reach their inner selves and find inspiration in everyday life.
His music is a new evaluation of human needs; it evolves with nature and not against it. He is convinced that it is possible for everybody to aspire to a better way of life. It is his credo to say "to believe in oneself can bring significant changes in one’s life." Therefore, freedom of spirit belongs to his interpretation of a unifyingphilosophy, breaking illusions and conventional frames.

At 32 years of age, Athos shows a mature personality, which some contemporaries and older generations appreciate very much. He embodies the role of a likeable, empathetic, but also determinate man, who knows how to openly discuss everything that matters for the advancement of joint or someone's personal projects.
"Music is the universal language of love" Athos explains if asked, why he decided to start a musician"s career. "It fascinates me to see how modest the language of love is and with how much success she manages to prevail. I think, to be able to compose and sing about music has got to do with a calling one is born with. That"s why I sing totally consciously in the name of that power, which is so enriching. Indeed, it touches people deeply and continuously gives them new hope - that"s the endless power of love in music."

Athos has always had an iron will, with which he knew early on to invest himself in music by taking private singing lessons under the instruction of a talented Italian opera singer, Mrs. Loredana Hentschel-Sala. In Athos" solid voice, she recognised a great potential, which is why she encouraged him and his parents to bring this unpolished diamond to shine.
Athos" path as a singer shows that you can achieve what you aspire if you fully believe in it. Therefore, he belongs to those promising artists who will succeed to reach an international audience.
Athos has his own recipe for success: always believe in yourself and always stay true to yourself!

The South of Switzerland, also called “Ticino”, is known as of the land
of the artists.On this piece of earth, which geographically seen has a shape of a giant pork’s leg, numerous artists were in fact born. Many places of interest, made by numerous sculptors, painters and architects, are widely spread throughout the country- a cross section with a span of time of 1500 years.
Not less than such an introspective piece of land is my homeland!
At already 11 years of age, I had to reorientate for the first time in my life.
My mother got to know a German speaking man, whom she got married
to some years later.
The fact that at that time I wasn’t able speak any German, implied the
beginning of a long trip into the German language and culture. I found the
medium for it in a German speaking school in the middle of
the Swiss Alps; a valley called Engadin. There, I grew up in arenowned
boarding school which was mainly attended by German teenagers of
affluent German families.
The beginning was pretty tough! I hardly understood a word, and at the
time I got the meaning of one word during a conversation, I got struck
by 10 other completely new words. However, accompanied by diligence
and ambition, I managed to achieve my Matura degree.
Almost every third Swiss postgraduate goes to university with that degree.
That wasn’t my wish at all! Instead of that, I decided to go about
classical singing lessons.
Since, thanks to my singing lessons, I managed to loosen my life during
the stressful graduation years, I happened to realize that I had
embosomed that wonderful world of music...
Since then, years have passed and my wish, to be able to live on my
music, is well on the way to become true!
To date, luck has never abandoned me: a range of 15 songs have
already been recorded. To some extent, I managed to take part to the
virtual act of composing, which, as an experience, I absolutely found it
just about the limit!
I like to sit in front of a keyboard and, together with a producer, find
a new melody who would just make my heart beat faster...
Writing the lyrics of each of the 15 songs, made me realize that not only
I have a unique voice, but that I also have a style of writing of my own…
My texts are the sum of a whole mystical
journey. Most of the time, when
I would concentrate and focus on my inner voice, I would be able to write
steadily about a simple idea or a simple thought…I would find myself in a creative fluency…
Solely this experience is for me a sign that every needed information
always stands just close-by and is waiting to be accessed by us…

A T H O S 's voice has been compared to British Artist and Singer George Michael's lyrical potential with some Michael Jackson's timbre and way of expressing moments through delicately arranged and mixed songs. "Aretha Franklyn's rough tones are still missing in my voice", which is why I am training hard to embody them," Athos says himself. "Still, I'm aware of the many possibilities in a lifetime's school in terms of vocal education, so, I'm very eager to find out some thrilling and moving ways of playing with my voice's's more than a discovery trip, in fact :-)."

George Michael, Michael Jackson, Seal, Billi Joel, Eric Clapton, Joe Cooker, Lenny Kravitz, A-HA, Sting, Queen, The Beatles, David Bowie, Craig Armstrong, William Orbit, Simply Red,Rick Astley, Whitney Houston, Alanis Morissette, Sade, Céline Dion, Madonna, M People, Donna Summer, Bonnie Tyler, Eurythmics, Annie Lennox,Tina Turner, Cindy Lauper, Eva Cassidy, Björk...

One Sky

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.


Is this Love

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.


DMD Compact Disc Online
FREQUENCIES make our thoughts audible to the world. Atho's "Frequencies" reflect a range of thoughts for a time of changes. They are a source of powerful inspiration for both, young and older generations.

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