ShadowChaser is Multikeyboardist / Composer William Vincent Meyer a veteran of the late 70's thru early 80's Progressive Rock era. Being a self taught musician I tapped into the vast pool of accomplished players who were heavily influential at the time who I consider the contemporary Masters. IE: Keith Emerson, Rick Wakeman , Patrick Moraz, Jurgin Fritz and Eddie Jobson to name a few. Also, never to forget all the great composers from the Classical and Baroque periods who have influenced us all at some point in time. In my case it was by Gustov Holst, Moussorgsky, Mozart, Bella Bartok, Tchaikovsky & Bach. Some old and some new but Masters all the same.

ShadowChaser music is of the Soundtrack & Progressive Neo Classical style with a strong emphasis on Orchestral layering added in for good measure. Featuring heavily layered keyboards and good old fashioned musicianship,(actually playing all the parts and not sequencing them) and by keeping the human element, warmth & passion in each composition I feel I have accomplished my initial objective and that is to be completely different than anything or anyone out there today. That being said its time to get my music out to the masses so it can be enjoyed by all & that seems to be the hard part so I am up and ready for the challenge in taking my music to the next level. I have always approached my music with a visonaries outlook, giving the listener the choice as to where they want to go, allowing them to arrive at their own destination & not by leading them to a pre-destined one. I feel by taking the extra time to pay close attention to the minute nuances in the compositions it allows the listener to paint themselves into the picture that the music is portraying. I like to call it music for the mind.

In retrospect a closed mind musically leaves many questions unanswered where an open mind leads to endless possibilities.

Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls

Classic and Progressive Rock

A Space in Time


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Last logged in: 6/2/2013 1:51:35 AM         Pageviews:  11098
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Kerascene Misc KIAC internet radio station!
* Your song 'Gates of Misfortune the City of Sorrows' has just been added to Kat station!
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Kat station!
* Your song 'Prelude to the Nightmare Shredded Live Band Cut' has just been added to PB's Soundscapes station!
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Kerascene Misc KIAC internet radio station!
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Singularity station!
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Target 51 station!
* Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to tImE station!
* Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to atmosphere station!
IAC Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to Timetaster station!
IMP Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to SOLAR WINDS station!
IMP Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to Mystery Radio station!
IMP Your song 'Alien Entity Keeper of Lost Souls' has just been added to SOLAR WINDS station!
IMP Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to Attack of the Killer Strawberry Donuts station!
IMP Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to Timetaster station!
IMP Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to OUTER Radio Desperado station!
IMP Your song 'A Space in Time' has just been added to STING FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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4/5/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 11:06:35 AM
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