The Ribbon Device started early 2004, as the brainchild of Mat Creedon (vox & guitar).
Along the way there has been an ever evolving line up of musicians and trusty companions
including Mimmo Panunzio (bass) (who has been there from the start) Bar McKinnon
(keys & woodwinds) (of Mr Bungle and Secret Chiefs 3), Pat Moore (drums), Evan Pierce (Decks), Mat Baulch (guitar/Sax), Ben Street (guitar/synth) the Amazing Mundo (Drums) and a whole bunch of other freaks.
The current TRD line up is Mat Creedon, Mimmo Panunzio, Ben Street and The Amazing Mundo

Young & Beautiful

Alternative Pop Rock

80's Trash

Alternative Pop Rock

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3/26/2022 7:45:44 AM
The Ribbon Device, also known as "The Ribben Device", is an attachment that turns a standard metal stapler into one that can take power from standard electrical outlets. Get here Mega Devices latest information about the Hard disk. (The Ribbon Device was invented by Wizard for the purpose of executing electrical mayhem on his enemies and was only made available to the public after it's invention became classified.)



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The Ribbon Device