Driftrun are a 4 piece band based in the UK’s musical hot spot at the moment: Sheffield. Their line up is; Gilly – lead vocals, Chris Goodyear – Guitar, Tony Keyworth- Drums and Richard Turner – Bass, all of which are in their early to mid twenties.
Driftrun all kicked off around mid 2006 but their line up was not complete until January 2007. Their first gig was at ‘Under The Boardwalk’ in Sheffield in February 2007 under the name of Ocean State (a name change was needed due to a name clash with another band).
Between February and June of 2007, Driftrun set out on a gigging frenzy around the north of England playing various venues in Sheffield, Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool.
At the end of last June Driftrun spent 3 days in the studio recording a 12 song demo entitled ‘Waveform’, which was recorded "live" in the studio and was also produced and mixed by the band. After finishing off the demo the band have been out gigging again with new material and a better sense of their musical direction.

The Driftrun sound has all the energy and sound of the early days of U2 but with more groove and a pinch of Britpop. Their sound is certainly commercially viable and upbeat with an emphasis on melodic chord progressions and tight rhythm sections, which together provide a solid base for their catchy vocal melodies. Certainly if you like your music with a rhythm that makes you dance combined with catchy shower-singable melodies then Driftrun are not to be missed.

Driftrun's live performances are full of energy from beginning to end, both in terms of the music and the showmanship. Their shows are driving and full on from the outset with a lot of crowd involvement and an upbeat positive vibe. With interest in the band growing and their fan base expanding too, Driftrun are on course for big things…Watch this space!

The Message

Alternative Pop Rock


Alternative Pop Rock

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29th Feb 08 - DQ bar - Sheffield

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27th March 08 - West Street Live, Sheffield
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