Hi there, we are an electric four piece blues band based in the south of england. Have been together now for over 10 years. We have recorded two albums in that time "raw knuckles" and "cant change the time" please check out our website for more info. www.wkbb.co.uk

cant change the time
from the white knuckle blues band album "cant change the time" This is an original minor blues. We hadn't planned to record this song, but at the end of the days recording, we dimmed the lights and played... the vocal, guitar, bass and drums were recorded together in one take, the hammond organ was added later, played by Josh Philips. Hope you enjoy.....


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Hugh Hamilton

3/7/2008 12:17:17 PM
Dropped by after seeing Andy's blog announcing your arrival...welcome...wowee, gotta hand it to yuz, sweet axework on Can't Change The Time...every morning I open my eyes, ponder that truism, and I think this is the first time I've heard it put to music...lol...aloha...

Andy Broad

3/7/2008 8:56:31 AM
what 'hit' em, that should have read ...

Andy Broad

3/7/2008 8:54:50 AM
Hi Steve,
Welcome to IAC!
With two pompey blues bands on the site this place ain't gonna know what em!

the white knuckle blues band

3/7/2008 8:06:54 AM
the white knuckle blues band. based in the south of england. Featuring:
steve roux on guitar and vocals.
bernie fox on drums.
rob vick on bass guitar.
matt beckwith on harmonica.
please check out our website for more information. www.wkbb.co.uk



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Andy Broad   Excellent, authentic vocal and guitar work.

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the white knuckle blues band