Hi I'm just another musician (a common species) good or bad you decide. All songs are original I am influenced by the likes of Joe Satriani, Pink Floyd, ZZ Top & Free. A lot of 70s & 80s music makes my day. my age ( to old to be rockin) so won't say. I started recording my own original material in my home studio in 1989 and have not dried up yet. I just love to create music. I have the bare essentials but I get some good sounds out of them. I say I'm a musician but really I am a song writer formost who had to learn to play the instuments to get my idias down, But some times its a bit like getting blood from a stone hence the title of one of my albums (from the stone) I hope you enjoy my stuff. I now have over thirteen albums in my portfolio if you are interested in any you can contact me on ( rodi@blueyonder.co.uk ) I sell my albums on a trust basis I send the album to the address you give if you like what you hear you send me £9.00 ( can't be bad ) if you don't send the cash thats up to you.you will have a free album but some bad karma to go with it, but I know most folks are honest and thay are the ones that interest me
Aczzy Vanzzi
Genres: A O R

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* Your song 'HOME IN A BAG (DAD)' has just been added to THE END GAME station!
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* Your song 'THE WAY THAT I AM' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Song Of The Day station!
* Your song 'THE WAY THAT I AM' has just been added to Really Unusual Radio station!
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Aczzy Vanzzi