When I was 5 years old (1958) I got a guitar for Xmas. But my fingers were too small, so I laid it on my lap and used the steel. After 3 days I could play "ring of fire". I began playing standard tuning guitar with my fingers when I was 11. That was the year I wrote my first song. I have written a thousand, and thrown away 900 of them. When I was 14, I began playing bass. I took up piano 2 years later. As a signed artist for Specialty Records from '69 to '72 I then learned the drums and harmonica in order to do solo song demos...
Over the next 30 years I just worked on smoothing all of it out...I have over 20,000 hours of paid performance experience now, sharing the stage with many well known artists.
Right now I am working on building a midrange studio, SVX. We are looking forward to putting out label-quality masters in the very near future for a whole range of artists who have chosen me to produce them. What I have on the net now are still demos. Soon I hope to have a real CD out, finished versions of these songs. But I am enjoying the demos as they are, and I hope you do too.

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The Man With No Band

2/25/2008 8:33:17 PM
Hello Edison .... I finally made it over here to check out these tunes .... Glad I did ...

Superb stuff ... I'm only gonna take a sample tonight, but be assured I will return to your "house" .. I'm really enjoying 21st Century Blues at the moment ... Great track !

Keep Rockin'



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Mortamor Follow this link and get your song added here! Cool Station by Hugh Hamilton! -M-
Johannes Hi - I booked a room for you over here, hope you like it. J.
Wilson Derik
* Your song 'the road not taken' has just been added to C4Studios station!
* Your song 'strange science' has just been added to Fem til Danmark station!
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John Pippus Glad you posted in the forum section. That brought me here and to your wonderful, tasteful playing. Very cool!
* Your song 'big brother is here' has just been added to KIAC Hitline station!
* Your song 'metal man' has just been added to NAKED ESKIMO BOXERS station!
* Your song 'big brother is here' has just been added to Big Brother is Watching station!
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Edison spans many genres from Southern Rock to New Age and does so with an obvious passion for all of them.Anyone who has listened to any of Ed's live performances knows he plays and sings from deep inside with amazing intensity. Oh did I say anything about Texas Blues?...well like Bullwinkle says "Ya gotta Listen!"
- - Don Campbell, www.mp3allies.com

Edison Freeman is the truly rare artist whose musical voice sums up an entire timeframe and region. An intense and creative artist, who knows as much about his classics as he does about blues and rock, his music is intensely personal, but reflective of an intuitive mind and creative energy. His vision is never easy, at times quite cynical but always sincere and reflective of his reality as a musical artist in the American South at the beginning of a New Century where nothing is certain. I can't imagine why this man isn't famous. I'm an addict. Highly recommended to all.
- - Paul Wehage, www.classicalmusicnow.com

These days it’s getting harder to find good original music that is all played on real instruments. Edison Freeman is one of the hold-outs in that respect. He plays several instruments and plays them all well. He can belt out the vocals too. His music is completely “real.” I like that a lot. It’s refreshing.
- - Steve Wood, "Polyaxis" from www.freeaudioplayer.com
10/23/2010 8:42:35 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 10:18:35 AM
Pageviews: 17769


edison freeman and the color of fire