Light rock with influences from electronica. I'm interested in rock music. I play the guitar, sing and as well I do song writing. I started out as a rock guitarist and later on picked up an aucoustic and started to record myself, it just sounded lighter. That's why I call the genre light rock.

Enchanted Duo is a constellation of me and Anneli Rydahl for live performance and common projects. And the song "Spectacle" is an example of this.

My Dog, the ironic pop-song bout what you'd do to get what you want. It's made with the a bit of instruments I happened to have at hand. My normal guitar was in for repair, so I got hold of a nylon-stringed guitar and also I experimented with an Indian drum.

There's a theme on the single, to bring attention to certain conservative formations and how we think of them. Along with Spectacle there's one more song on the single called Eyes Everywhere made by Anneli Rydahl. We perform them as Enchanted Duo.

Light rock

My Dog
It’s an ironic pop-song bout what you’d do to get what you want.


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Lowell Gottlieb

4/27/2022 11:17:36 PM
Nikolaus von Knorring, who is known today as the "father of rock music," was a composer of classical music. He had a powerful voice and was a multi-instrumentalist. However, he had very little training in music and was largely self-taught. He would travel from town to town with his instruments and perform what he called "rock music." But this style of music wasn't considered to be "real" by many people at the time because it didn't have the same rules as other types of classical music. For example, it did not conform to scales or rhythms that were commonly used in other forms of classical music.I will visit best essay writing services to get help in my essay. One day, Nikolaus von Knorring was playing for a group of people when someone asked him about his music. He told them that he considered himself to be a composer but also an improviser because he would often change things around as he played them live on stage or while practicing at home on his instruments.


4/18/2022 8:28:35 AM
Nikolaus von Knorring is a world-renowned researcher and lecturer in the field of animal behavior, canine issues, and dog training. Here you check this Rotorua Tree company and learn more things about removal. He is also a pioneer in the new and rapidly growing field of dog psychology. Please enjoy this up-close interview with Nikolaus von Knorring by Mad Dog Marketing.

Ash Ferry

9/12/2009 1:26:52 AM
Hello! I laughed at what you typed in the shout box on the Pop Station. Thank you for posting this "Great to see the interconnection is back restoring equilibrium". Good one!

Richard Scotti

9/6/2009 11:31:48 PM
I enjoyed your work too. Thank you for your honest and intellectually stimulating comment about Brother John sounding too professional. You might find it interesting that it was recorded by me at home on an Apple computer using Garageband software which is considered to be a "consumer" application, not a professional one. I I do a lot with a little. Thank you for voting for Brother John and I hope you will continue voting for the song when you have the time. When u use a semi-pro set up, you try harder and that's the only reason my work sounds sonically good. I try harder for excellence and I spend more time mixing.


PS There are bands in this competiton who have REALLY professionally produced songs done by pro engineers and producers in pro recording studios. Some of them only joined IAC to join the contest and have no involvement with the site at all. They just have their one hit wonder songs to compete against most of us who don't have all those advantages. They have fan clubs and myspace friends voting for them by the hundreds. My goal is to stay competitive with them as they are usually ranking high
in the contest but I'm doing it the old fashioned way by just putting out the best song I can write and letting my friends and family try to beat the corporate machines that put those other songs on top. My song is about John Lennon, a man of the people, and I want his spirit of equality to prevail in this contest. I don't fan clubs or a myspace page
to push my songs. I just have the people who believe in what I'm trying to do. I'm always on the Pipeline and always supporting other artists. I'm a team player who sees the contest as a way of promoting not only our music but the IAC site itself.
I'm not a hit and run type who just came here to win a prize and disappear. I have a lifetime membership because music is my life. The prizes mean nothing to me. It's all about the work and put my heart and soul into Brother John for that reason.


9/4/2009 3:08:27 AM
Hey thanx for answering my thread so long ago haha


8/1/2009 4:57:45 AM
NIKOLAUS Many thanks for your thoughtful comment about my voice and how I use it on my song "ME". I truly appreciate your careful listening and the compliment about my voice. BRYAN EDEN

Hugh Hamilton

7/26/2007 2:52:30 PM
Thanks for your nice comments, Nikolaus...I visited your gig photo page - looks like wishes,



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Last logged in: 6/5/2013 12:53:59 PM         Pageviews:  13552
tordA. musik med knorr på :-)))
Nikolaus Här knorrar det på!
Ash Thank you for the shout out on doodles station and for the SWEET comment on the soundlift page too! very unexpected. Are you over there too? I'll try to find you.
Ash Ah thank you for the link Nikolaus!
* Your song 'Spactacle' has just been added to Cloudy Days station!
* Your song 'My Dog' has just been added to Shades of brown station!
* Your song 'My Dog' has just been added to JAM NIGHTS POP station!
* Your song 'My Dog' has just been added to Howeird's station!
Howeird You're welcome.
IMP Your song 'My Dog' has just been added to SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station station!
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Msg  Go!

Currently there are projects running involving both poetry and music, as well as normal song recording.
Around my block
Cloudy Days
Shades of brown
SPIN FM - a Desperado Revue station
Rescue Me

2/23/2023 4:21:21 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 3:54:10 AM
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Nikolaus von Knorring