In October 2003, Rick and Scott met for the very first time, at Scott's studio. They intended to record some character voices for a voiceover demo. However, Rick mentioned his idea to make an Arnold Schwarzenegger rap song, Scott flipped over the idea, and together they created "The Presinator". They've also created songs this year (2005) that satire Russell Crowe, American Idol, Michael Jackson, Star Wars, Accountants, Nerds and Bad Comedians to name but a few.

The Presinator (Original Mix)
Arnold Schwarzenegger's first ever rap song!


Celebrity Idol
This is what happens when celebrities try out for American Idol.


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Lauri My daily song rotation has you in the top 2 today :)
Lauri Your back in the top spot today at ROFLMAO!!!!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to Guitar Atheist station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to WAY better than American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idolatry station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol Season 8 station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol Worship station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol by Divine Right station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol can BLOW ME station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to Is that an American Idol in your pants? station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to I OWN American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to I am American Idol. Deal with it. station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol Killed Music station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to I love American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to I hate American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to There can only be one American Idol station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to American Idol vs. IAC station!
* Your song 'Celebrity Idol' has just been added to I am the next American Idol station!
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Stuff that's funny but doesn't suck
Laugh Your Day Away
The Laughing Man
Yetis are happy but bigfoot.............
The Talent Searcher
special playlist #86

3/27/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 9:34:18 AM
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The Presinators