From the earliest years, Ken Tucker was in love with music. He was introduced to playing piano by his mother Carolyn. He raided his father's record collection regularly listening to The Everly Brothers, Elvis, Kingston Trio, Nat King Cole, and Buddy Holly to name just a few. But it wasn't until his older brother, Steve, brought home, ""Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band"" that he found his musical calling at the tender age of 13.

He borrowed an old, non-functioning electric guitar from his scout buddy, Brian Crasher, and started pounding on the strings. He was enthrawled. From there came other guitars, amps, and nights of unending practice and study of chords, scales, and playing techniques. His heroes were not the likes of football or basketball stars, they were Lightnin' Hopkins, George Harrison, Steve Miller, Larry Norman, Eric Clapton, Joe Walsh, Ray Charles, Buddy Guy, Hound Dog Taylor, Taj Mahal, Robin Trower, Tracy Garcia, Jim Seprodi, Steve Cropper, Jimi Hendrix, et al.

After 28 years, there is still a lot of learning to do, but in light of this, Ken has developed a style that is distinct with clean, fluid lead lines, strong rhythms, clever chord changes. With the help of friend and producer, Tim Bushong, His song writing is classic and fresh at the same time. Issues spanning from loneliness, and depression to struggling relationships to the love of a wonderful woman, are all in the crosshairs of his pen, all of which are backed up by soulful, blues music. The only requirement to listening to Ken's music is... enjoy.

Another FIne Mess produced by Tim Bushong. Recorded at TBUSH RECORD PLANT

Radio Promotions by:
Bryon Tosoff-Voodoohead Productions
15690 Buena Vista Ave
White Rock BC CANADA V4B 1Z5
voodoohead productions
contact Ken Tucker

""Building Careers for the Blue Collar Musician""

The Sun is Always Shinin’

electric blues

Call Me Up

electric blues

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Ken Tucker