Pleasantly disheveled and slightly wistful, Red Sea Station has crafted an indie album with a mélange of small, revolving melodic motifs coming from every direction, united with a backbone of sprightly, rubbery beats. Cycling twinkles framed by a fast, glitch-pop electro attack full of sine wave blips and fuzzed-out guitars, they are perpetually watching the sun break out of the clouds. It is an album like that of Syd Barrett’s, at times cheerful to the point of absurdity, as well as great fun and yet at others eerily poignant and prophetic.

Musical arrangements aside, the real story lies in the making of the album. It was recorded across six thousand miles and six cities (San Diego, Detroit, New York, Portland, Cairo, Albany) in bedrooms, bathrooms, basements, and everywhere in between. And then tragedy struck. Near the completion of the project, band member Jeff Grey was camping in Michigan when he was caught up in an unexpected windstorm with winds in excess of seventy miles per hour. A tree came crashing down on his tent, killing him instantly.

Left with an unfinished project and the prophetic last songs Grey wrote (Closer to the End, Last Marathon, The Other End, Time Will Show), Kevin McGoldrick, the sole surviving member, moved half a world away to Cairo, Egypt and nearly abandoned the project. Nearing a nervous breakdown and in a last ditch effort to save the music he turned to New York drummer Zach Eichenhorn (Gold & Gunmetal, Adam’s Castle) and Portland-based songwriter Justin Potts for help. They responded by helping McGoldrick sift through nearly 2 hours of music and adding the drums needed to complete the project.

The result now is their debut album. Inspired by the dreamy and ethereal soundscapes of late-80’s British pop (Ride, Catherine Wheel, Chapterhouse, Majesty Crush), over-the-top vocal sounds (ala Damon Albarn, Jarvis Cocker, David Gedge, Barrett & Bowie), intricately woven electronic arrangements (Plaid, Aphex Twin, Kid Loco, Beach Boys) and an American Indie ethos (see New Wet Kojack, Modest Mouse, My Morning Jacket, Superchunk), their new album exudes Alphabet City Swagger. But it gets its true inspiration from quiet Sunday mornings in Glasgow, where silence is golden (Red House Painters, The Doves, Mogwai, Elliot Smith). You’re roughed up, you’re tired and you’re just happy you made it through the night.

Special Note:
40% of all proceeds go to charity (The Jeff Grey Memorial Fund)

Coffee to Conversion
A Love Song.

Indie Pop

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Last logged in: 6/8/2013 1:22:47 PM         Pageviews:  16475
Millie from WATERPLANET I LOVE your sound. It's very cohesive and communicates loud and clear--a funny contrast to your global hopscotching! Anyway, added you to my zing!flip!squash! station. Keep at it! This is great.
Itchy Brother until the album is a little closer to reality. Plus I do all my "promoting" while I should be technical writing...
Itchy Brother oops, I meant that's fine, cause the recording is going slowly too. is getting me some reviews, but it's not leading anywhere yet.
Millie from WATERPLANET Just to let you know, we also are the band WATERPLANET (have been for quite so me time). We have a song on IAC and several more on If you get a chance, listen and comment. Thanks!
but then the self... Thanks for listening to my music. Cannot believe you like my stuff, since you are pure genius. Both songs are just perfect tunes. Very nice voice and vocal line (esp. The Last Chord).
Itchy Brother Red Sea! My myspace account is down, looks like it was deleted. No idea what happened or why...
Itchy Brother Red Sea! My myspace account is down, looks like it was deleted. No idea what happened or why...
Millie, WATERPLANET band Thought you might be interested in the work of Johannes Breeuwsma. He has a few stations on IAC and records traditional-style blues and electronic music (from Amsterdam). Listen to "Requiem for the Unknown Child". A very moving project, and relevant.
Millie I posted your "Bombs" song on his Lighthouse station. He asks people to recommend songs by other artists. I recommended you.
* Your song 'The Streets are Whispering' has just been added to zing! flip! squash!--WATERPLANET radio station!
* Your song 'The Streets are Whispering' has just been added to Raymond Porters Pop Station station!
* Your song 'The Streets are Whispering' has just been added to THE END GAME station!
* Your song 'Coffee to Conversion' has just been added to Expressions of May station!
* Your song 'Coffee to Conversion' has just been added to OatP and Friends station!
* Your song 'The Streets are Whispering' has just been added to Raymond Porters Top Bands 2008 station!
* Your song 'Coffee to Conversion' has just been added to Intoxicating station!
IMP Your song 'Coffee to Conversion' has just been added to The 2018 Super Bowl station!
IMP Your song 'Coffee to Conversion' has just been added to Buy Me a Coffee station!
Name       Link
Msg  Go!

I kid not, it's finally here, the 19 track behemoth. You can get it currently in three places. 

For the mp3's go to: 

For CDs go to:  

Album Notes:

  • CDs (4 Panel Digipaks) are only $9.99 for 19 songs

  • They include a 20 pg. digital booklet. (You can see some of the artwork for this in the photos section)

  • 40% of all proceeds go to charity (The Jeff Grey Memorial Fund)

Regardless, thanks to everyone and all the support. Not to sound too cliche, but your support has meant everything, for that I'm forever indebted. I just hope you all enjoy the tunes.

Buy Me a Coffee
Expressions of May
OatP and Friends and REVIEWS!!

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Haunted Robot  
Wolf Parade  
T-minus Band  
The Living Dolls  
What Made Milwaukee Famous  
but then the self in the tree fell asleep  
White Whale  
Star Belgrade  
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4/22/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 5/30/2024 4:19:57 PM
Pageviews: 16475

Red Sea Station