we are Windmills, a band based in hong kong. our members are luna, michael and ever. we put a lot of effort into our songs. to us, the melody, lyrics and music arrangement are equally important…luna is our lead singer. she has always loved singing, and began writing songs in 1996. in early 1997 she met ever, and they decided to form a band. forming a band was tough, and luna and ever just couldn’t find the right people. luna composed songs and ever played drums – what they really needed was a guitar and bass player. many musicians came and went, but none were suitable. then, in the Fall of 1999, luna heard one of her colleagues, michael, playing the bass – he was perfect! soon after, ricky appeared and Windmills became a reality…Windmills’ music are innovative and fresh. the name Windmills evokes images of fresh air, rolling fields, wild flowers… it also brings to mind the imagery of don quixote tilting at windmills. to fight with things we can see is not hard – we believe that only the things we cannot see are the real monsters. Windmills believes every one should keep a windmill in their heart to keep the mind clear. Windmills are doing it. we are doing it for the music. for nothing but the music.


Dream Pop

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Last logged in: 6/4/2013 10:01:11 AM         Pageviews:  12504
Windmills Hi Everone! Please come, listen and comment!
William J Urmson Windmills greetings and peace to you! I'm honored that a band from so far has contacted me but am confused why? for reviews or advise? If it's for adivise I will tell you to write songs from your heart! May God bless you and bring out your full potential.
SILVERWOODSTUDIO Hi Windmill ,Welcome to IAC , We have put 2 of your songs on our ststions, if you need any help give us a shout!
Bryan Anthony You have some interesting sounds here. For more great artists, check out my main website, www.wickmanmusic.com. I'll be adding IAC players there as well. All the best to you and your music!
Windmills Thanks Bryan! Thank you for the add and linking!
Wickman Saw your message on my TRUE SPIRIT page. I like new age too. Thought you fit on that station as well, which is why I included you there as well.
Bryan Anthony Hi Windmills! Hope all is going well in your part of the world. Keep doing the music. It is being listened to and appreciated.
Windmills Happy New Year!
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3/11/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 5/28/2024 6:28:54 AM
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