Christine Hagan
(585) 233-4357

“Christine Hagan must have two pianos. One of them must look like the one you’re picturing and the other must be its absolute inverse, it’s negative-black keys where the white ones should go, white ones where the black ones should be. On her uber-eclectic, genre-melding debut, Hagan blurs the line between light and dark for us and walks on whatever side of it she pleases.” (Joe DiPalo)
Christine Hagan is an emerging singer songwriter in NYC. To classify her as a singer songwriter though would be incorrect. Christine has a unique ability to combine many different genres of music, from hip hop to electronica, pop to rock and jazz to classical. Each song she creates fuses creativity with artistry, taking the listener through a journey of emotions. Hagan’s long awaited debut album, Grace, which will be released this coming spring, conveys a deep sense of passion, uniqueness and personality. “This album is the result of my musical work thus far in life. So many have dedicated themselves to making this a very special and amazing record.”
It has been a long musical road for Christine, taking many twists and turns, but never neglecting what she defines herself by. Her path began at the young age of four, under the study of her mother, Angela Hagan, a classical and jazz trained pianist. “Music was always playing in my house. It was a very creative and special environment to be raised. I was exposed to a plethora of amazing music very early on ranging from Rachmoninoff to the Beatles and everything in between.”
Starting out as a classically trained pianist, Christine’s affinity for music was apparent instantly. “It has been clear to me for as long as I remember that this is who I am and what I am meant to do.” Hagan nurtured her talent through the years in the classical and jazz idioms. which in 1996 led her to the prestigious Eastman School of Music. During her time at Eastman, she was able to perform with many renowned artists including Ralph Alessi, Bobby McFerrin, Dave Holland, Eliane Elias, and Kenny Wheeler.
Hagan joined the pop-electronica group Julia’s Star from 1999-2001, which released a self-titled album on Star Cluster Records in June of 2000. “This band got me interested in many different genres that I previously hadn’t really explored. At this time I was heavily influenced by artists such as Bjork, Boston based band Splashdown, Lamb, and Sarah Slean.”
Following Julia’s Star, Christine began programming beats and recording her own music. She formed her group in NYC in 2003 and has spent the time elapsed gigging, rehearsing and teaching as well as pursuing a masters degree at NYU. Hagan’s group is composed of truly amazing spirited musicians with whom she attended Eastman. Ted Poor, a renowned NYC drummer adds an element to the group that is indescribable. “Ted is a drummer we will all read about for years to come” (Anthony J. Resta). Guitarists Ryan Ferreira and Grey McMurray, are well-established artists in the NYC improvisation scene. Grey McMurray recorded the tracks on the forthcoming L.P, but you’re most likely to catch Ryan playing live. Mike Chiavaro and Ike Sturm are both heard on Grace playing electric bass. What is left is a great five-piece group that demands to be heard. Original synth/ organ player Josh Valleau, who helped with song writing, arrangements, and production on the record, is now on tour with John Legend. In his place, Ed Rosenberg is playing synths and organ.
The band made their debut in NYC at the Lion’s Den in 2004 and shortly thereafter headed into the studio. Christine sought out and worked with producer Anthony J. Resta (Collective Soul, Duran Duran) and engineer Karyadi Sutdeja to complete her record. “Everyone sacrificed so much time, work and love to complete this album. The final result definitely deserves a listen. I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised.” Grace will be released in April of 2007, at which time it will be available for purchase online and at retail stores.
The radiogenic single on the album is the first track “Just Another Day”. It was created to inspire people to make the most out of every ordinary day. The chorus hook is undeniable. “Hagan sounds as if she’s perched on the shoulders of a giant and drenched in sunlight, cathartic, her arms outstretched, palms to the sky. The result is a seemingly heaven-sent three and a half minutes of atmospheric ear-candy with serious forward motions, its alt-pop integrity full intact.” Another highlight on the record, and a personal favorite for Hagan, is “Girl”. This track has received numerous accolades including Track of the Week in Alternative Pop on and featured track of the month on Indie Music. com. Some might compare this song to the likes of Fiona Apple, but the originality is undeniably Hagan. The title track, “Grace”, follows “Hypocrite”, a sure favorite for fans of Bjork and hip-hop. This track was chosen as the title track, due to it’s paired down nature. It is simply a beautiful melody consisting of the piano. “At the end of the day, this is who I am, a piano player who loves to compose beautiful melodies."" The track that follows is perhaps the highlight of the album, demonstrating Hagan’s abilities as a great songwriter. “No More No Less”, a created “sonic netherworld”, will surprise listeners with an unexpected prog-rock outro featuring a memorable Ted Poor solo that you’ll have to listen to multiple times.
“In a time when lip-synching is the norm and pageantry is the name of the game, it’s refreshing to see an artist who’s all about the craft. That being said, when shelving her, be sure she’s closer to Bjork, Ani DiFranco and Tori Amos rather than the unimaginative hacks that saturate the airwaves. Hagan has an aura about her, and a sound unique enough to entrance audiences already, but what’s scary is that she’s only 26 with nothing but room to grow. Sit up, pay attention, and show her the respect she deserves.”


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Texas Willie

3/22/2008 6:46:50 AM
Congratulations on your Golden Kayak Nomination!

Good Luck and I will see you at the Awards Broadcast!


Art Factory

8/27/2007 11:23:17 AM
Would love to play just another day, if you upload drop me a note. Love your writing and sound! Keep the faith - whatever it may be... from a little bluebird ;-)

Private Beat

4/19/2007 10:21:34 AM
"Girl" is absolutely fantastic tune !
Songwring and performance are perfect.
Jazzy and psychedelic but at the same time it's rather sweet and easy listening... Well it's a dream of any major A&R.
Great vocals.
I do like this song.



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christine hagan