Foster has been a favorite son in his home state and a cherished find among musical cognoscenti around the country. Now, with Million Star Hotel, he's made the album of his career - he spent five years getting it right, in fact - and the stars have lined up in his favor. He's has come tantalizingly close to tasting the big time. The Right Profile and the Carneys had deals with Arista and Warner Chappell, respectively, and over the years Foster has recorded with such renowned producers as Pete Anderson, Jim Dickinson, Don Dixon and Steve Jordan. But until now, he has paid a price for being slightly ahead of the curve. Not this time.

With the release of Million Star Hotel - Foster's first full-length debut as a solo artist - he has surpassed himself with an album of gorgeous, moving songs that possess uncommon depth. The 14 tracks play through like a song cycle that's moved forward not by an overt plot or concept but by an emotional arc that pulls the listener through a kaleidoscopic range of moods. These include yearning, melancholy, determination and, in the end, grateful and passionate accommodation to life's circumstances. Foster wanted to make an album that felt true to life but also a bit larger than life, and he's succeeded with this soulful, atmospheric set of shivery-good songs.

With its aura of aching beauty and self-revelation, accented by organic production touches, Million Star Hotel bears gem-like reflections of such seminal influences as Neil Young, Ray Davies, Lindsey Buckingham and Hank Williams. You'll even hear occasional nods to such Seventies rock forebears as Bowie, Bolan and ELO in such songs as ""Lost In My Own Town"" and ""Long Gone Sailor."" Members of Foster's old group, the Pinetops, and his current band, the Birds of Prey, contributed to Million Star Hotel. Noted musician-producer Mitch Easter - of Let's Active and R.E.M. fame - stepped in toward the end to mix the album and add a few choice guitar parts.

Yet Million Star Hotel is essentially a one-man show, recorded at odd hours and numerous locales in almost sculptural fashion by Foster. He sang and played guitar, keyboards and whatever else struck him as appropriate as songs took shape in his head. ""I'm really addicted to the feeling of a new song coming at you from way off down the tracks,"" says Foster. ""You hear it coming like a big train, and you just jump on when it comes by.""

Lost In My Own Town


the summer of the son of sam


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“Wow, this album for me is such a big discovery, I like it so much.”
Bob Harris BBC 2 Radio DJ

BBC 2 DJ Bob Harris played “Long Gone Sailor” from Jeffrey Dean Foster’s record “Million Star Hotel” on his Saturday night show (May 12th)
Bob is one of the UK’s most influential and respected djs. You can listen to this weeks show in it’s entirety at this link.

""Sprawling and audacious, almost dazzlingly ambitious, Jeffrey Dean Foster’s Million Star Hotel is the kind of record with depth, soul, and a kind of spiritual quality that they just don’t make anymore.
Stunningly beautiful…undeniably great.""
-Luke Torn, Pop Culture Press

""Million Star Hotel is absolutely not to be overlooked.""
- Fred Mills
HARP Magazine

""Avoiding the shortcuts and vanity pit falls that plague many self-released
projects, Jeffrey Dean Foster delivers a strong personal statement with
wide-ranging appeal on Million Star Hotel. The foundation is classic rock -
a musical antiquity for some - but like Jeff Tweedy, Foster knows how to
sweep out the cobwebs and rattle-test the walls.""
- Jerry Withrow

""The album is elegantly stoked by co-producers Mitch Easter and Brian Landrum to spotlight Foster's honey-sweet high tenor,
his classic-rock-leaning arrangement skills and his feel for rescuing poetic truths from longing, heartbreak and reflection.""
- Fred Mills
Magnet Magazine

""Foster occupies some pretty rarified air. While effortlessly conjuring pleasant aural images of Neil Young, the Byrds, Brian Wilson, and Chris Bell, Foster, over the course of a few listenings, admirably
establishes his own identity as a literate songwriter for whom hooks fly off his fingertips like a magician tossing
glitter over a room full of awe-struck kids.""
- Rick Koster
The Day, New London, Conn.

""Merging classic rock, roots music and pop experimentation with Foster’s reliably brilliant songwriting, the album recalls the likes of Big Star, Wilco, Neil Young and even the Flaming Lips. Worth your time. Foster does not disappoint. ”
- Andy Turner
Pop Culture Press

""Million Star Hotel"" is easily one of the best albums ever to come out
of the fertile North Carolina music scene, and it deserves the kind of
exposure that the work of home-state peers such as Ryan Adams, Ben Folds
and Tift Merritt has enjoyed.”
- Parke Puterbaugh
Go Triad/Greensboro News and Record

""More than any album this year, ‘Million Star Hotel’ offers a far-reaching
expression of the greatness of rock 'n' roll. This is as close to perfection
as rock 'n' roll should be allowed to come. It's the real deal.""
- Ed Bumgardner
Winston-Salem Journal

""He combines Big Star's ""Holocaust""and Neil Young's ""After the Gold Rush"" moodiness with the catchy-rock smarts of Tom Petty. There's a lush feeling typically not associated with roots rock. Sparklehorsey moments--most notably the distorto vocals of the raunched-up ""Little Priest""--creep in, but it's worth noting that Foster has been dealing in found sounds and other atmospherics since Mark Linkous was little more than a Sparklepony. ""
- Rick Cornell
The Independent Weekly

Subtlely Powerful
What's in a Name...

4/14/2014 7:09:34 PM
Last pageview at: 6/2/2024 4:17:16 AM
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jeffrey dean foster