Bear Lake is home to six lifelong friends (Jon Rice, Matt Hines, Brian Kwasnik, Steve Stetson, Erik Pederson, Keith May) who have played in shifting rock outfits, together and apart, since the sixth grade. The members took their early years sculpting and perfecting their songwriting crafts individually. Once each member had accumulated a large collection of their own songs, they knew they were ready to begin working collectively on the musical coalition of Bear Lake.
The band frequently found respite from their busy Detroit scenery in a cabin on "Bear Lake," in the woods of Northern Michigan. It was here that they found inspiration in the clashing imagery of city and country life; imagery that can be felt heavily in their music; imagery that is difficult to find outside of Michigan's borders.
Bear Lake was able to turn this inspiration into art and quickly found themselves with an array of music that needed to be released to the world. At the hands of fate and thanks to a chance encounter, Bear Lake met Al Sutton and Eric Hoegemeyer (Rustbelt studios - Sponge, The Go, Electric Six) who immediately shared their artistic vision, and the journey began.
Though they have garnered positive attention from press and local radio as of late (being compared to such bands as The Flaming Lips, Radiohead, and The Shins) Bear Lake is working to break molds that will diversify the soundscapes they put on display.
Currently, Bear Lake is about to release their second album, “Places on the Side” to the world, as well as getting ready to go on their first major Midwest tour in June of 2009. They will be coming to a place near you soon, so please come out for a night at the lake.

Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy.



The Best One


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* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #44 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #41 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #36 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #31 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #29 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Congratulations! Your song 'Faded' is now #27 on the KIAC Big 50!
* Your song 'Smile' has just been added to Home Grown station!
* Your song 'The Best One' has just been added to Home Grown station!
* Your song 'Smile' has just been added to OatP and Friends station!
OatP Love the variety in your sound
You have a coldplay vibe that I'm loving!
* Your song 'Smile' has just been added to Raymond Porters New Songs Station station!
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Bear Lake