VIDIOTS—TUNE IN!! is Geoff Westen’s Power Punk tunes-de-force and the follow-up to his acclaimed The Pigs—OINK! (Search: The Pigs - here at IAC) on Disturbing Music. The Pigs was one of Hybrid Magazine’s “2006 Up and Coming Favorites” and’s “Top 25 Indie CDs of 2007.” Reviewers and fans alike, respond to Westen’s neo-retro sound, citing influences from the ‘80s to the present.

But Westen’s unpredictable, and this ain’t The Pigs! He’s been doing this too long to put out the same album every time. On VIDIOTS—TUNE IN!! he moves in a slightly more Power Punk direction while continuing to incorporate the scope of pop and rock styles he has performed over his career into his signature Wall of Pop sound.

Westen delivers screaming guitars and a driving track that rocks his opening anthem for Vidiots everywhere, "Better Get Started." He kicks it up a notch on the thumping tracks "Angry Young Man" and "Don't Stop The Kiss.” Funky-chunky guitars spice up "Action Man," while a slight touch of techno pulsates through “Some of You Girls.” And no one does a ballad better or tells a more tender love story than the softer side of Westen on "She's So Young" and "Searching For Love."

Geoff has a long history in music and design, working on scores of projects with hundreds of musicians and talented artists in all fields. He apprenticed his musical craft with pop music masters in the studio, on television and on the road. His apprenticeship took on many forms - owning a recording studio where he worked with artists as diverse as David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Dr. John; on the road with his own bands and top commercial pop artists; and as a hired gun on a number of network television shows.

Westen's style is a life-long amalgam of pop influences. He laughs at the comparisons heaped on his music. "I understand why people want to compare you to some other artist or band as a point of reference, but it really gets ridiculous. If I showed you the list of 'whom Geoff sounds like,' you would be amazed. It's a diverse group ranging from Oingo Boingo to The Killers to Chromeo. Wow! But, I'm not griping about it. It's great that everyone hears something different. It means if you're into rock 'n roll, you should be able to find something you like about my music - and that's what I'm striving for."

Rock veteran Westen has spent a whole lot of years involved in the production and performance of music. You can hear this wealth of experience; you can hear the maturity in his Wall of Pop arrangements and production style. It's what sets him apart. For more on Geoff Westen and VIDIOTS go to

Angry Young Man
A raucous insistent track provides the base for Geoff Westen's powerful Wall of Pop sound with driving guitars and synths and a memorable hook.

Alternative Pop Rock

Some Of You Girls
"Some Of You Girls" features Westen's Neo-Wave groove, a unique hybrid of power- and techno-pop will keep you dancing your ass off or wiggling in your seat!

Pop Punk

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Elva Harris

12/19/2022 6:30:52 AM
Geoff Westen is an American neuroscientist and professor at Emory University. Geoff is known for his work in the fields of neuroscience and psychiatry, particularly his discovery of mirror neurons. You should try this IT services London Ontario for more ideas. He has been featured in numerous media outlets including the New York Times, Wired Magazine, and Scientific American.


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"Geoff Westen is a decorated musician who has worked with countless big names in the business throughout his career. At one point, he even owned his own recording studio where he worked with greats like Bowie, Iggy Pop, Dr. John and so on. When asked about artists similar to him, Westen has responded, "I understand why people want to compare you to some other artist or band as a point of reference, but it really gets ridiculous. If I showed you the list of 'whom Geoff sounds like,' you would be amazed. It's a diverse group ranging from Oingo Boingo to The Killers to Chromeo. Wow! But, I'm not griping about it. It's great that everyone hears something different. It means if you're into rock 'n roll, you should be able to find something you like about my music - and that's what I'm striving for." I'll have to agree with Geoff Westen on that. Though I certainly drew a few comparisons myself while listening to Vidiots Ð Tune In!, Westen definitely brings something different and unique with this 80s-sounding power pop album.
My favorite song from the album is probably the kick-off track "Better Get Started". The energy of the track immediately lifts my mood and makes me tap my feet and bob my head along while driving. I noticed that a lot of the songs in this collection elicit a physical response from the listener. "Action Man" is a song that you would expect to hear in any John Hughes movie, as it would fit in seamlessly. "Searching for Love" is a ballad that most single adults on the quest for true romance can connect with and relate to. This album really has it all; the quick, up-beat numbers, ballads, the haunting tracks, and a little bit of rock mixed in. It managed to keep me intrigued throughout the entire ride.
Geoff Westen's Vidiots Ð Tune In! is much different than the majority of the music that the user base of this website listens to. However, to be fair, this album is much different than what anyone is listening to in this day and age, and that is what I really like about it. It is a fresh twist on an old style, and Westen has discovered how to do it perfectly. If you enjoy 80s music, power pop, or are just looking to expand your musical horizons, I would certainly suggest looking into the album. For better or worse, it will certainly introduce you to something completely new."
Jess – Stereo Killer
“One thing is crystal clear…It's a VERY cool album.” -

“GEOFF WESTEN…a surreal and significant collection that breaks luscious new ground…Emulsified rock n’ roll just grows and grows out of new wave beginnings… These tunes are a hundred feet tall and they glow in the dark.” - Whisperin and Hollerin

“Power-pop with a distinctly eighties bent… this is a fantastically well produced album, exciting, and spine-tinglingly nostalgic - not too dancey, not too rocky, but with an overwhelming feeling of pop sensibilities - great songwriting - intelligent production and a genuine affection for the subject matter.” - Subba-Cultcha

“…the music is driving, percussive and hooky: the title track opener is an anthemic rocker with a guitar solo designed for air guitarists...Full of hooks this is a pop/rock album with lyrical intelligence, that is entertaining and surprising - the sort of subversive product that gets you singing along (and) then pondering the lyrics and the lives depicted. Fun!” - Ampersand

“The artist's approach is pure…The production is masterful; its sheer absurdity perfectly balance(d).” - Ape Quake

“No space for the lethargic here I'm afraid!...Familiar 80s synths and forceful rhythms are once again present, catchy swings and hooks taking over with lustrous production throughout. The sleek blend of keyboards, guitars, vocal harmonies and driving kicks achieve his trademark retro sound with splattering of contemporary quips. Snatch a copy and shove it down your pants. Powerpop to the fucking max kidders.” - Glitzine
Wide Angle

12/19/2022 11:30:57 AM
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Geoff Westen