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Reverend Black Dog
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7/20/2020 1:38:38 PM
Who is us?


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Reverend Black Dog

7/20/2020 1:38:38 PM

Who is us?
There's us and there's them. We are us and us is being manipulated right now.. The truth is not going to come from a corporation (money). Check who you're getting your information from. Most are way behind on this.

Be a good man and God will show you the way. All the answers are in the Bible and no answers (i.e, not having any answers) is better than the one's your getting from the corporations, corporate media and all those whom are only repeating what they've heard from the corporate media.

Look at nature, the birds and the bees, it's life as usual for them while we self-implode with our false beliefs. Think for yourself ... please.

LINKS FOR THOSE IN NEED OF SANITY (updated July 19-2020):

Dr. Joseph Mercola - Take Control of Your Health Podcast (podbean)
Andy Wakefield Podcast (SoundCloud)
Wise Traditions Podcasts (westonaprice.org)
Swiss Propaganda Research (swprs.org)
The Doctor Within (buzzsprout.com/948676)
Jennifer Daniels (vimeo.com/user6590984, youtube.com/user/Vitality7able)
Sheriff Richard Mack (cspoa.org)
The Truth About Vaccines (YouTube)
Amazing Polly (YouTube)
The HighWire with Del Bigtree (YouTube)
Drake Bailey Without Music (YouTube)
The Higherside Chats (YouTube)
Ice Age Farmer (YouTube)
Red Pill Sunday School (YouTube)
Clint Richardson (realitybloger.wordpress.com)
5G Map (ookla.com)

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7/24/2020 12:50:12 AM

That was so vague that I am not sure of what you are trying to sell here. You started with a question. A strange question at that. Then you go into this thing about God and thinking for yourself. But nothing really was said that made any quantitative sense and I certainly am not going to spend my valuable time trying to see all that stuff you have listed., If I watched all that, would I actually be thinking for myself? No, I would be allowing all of that shit to dictate some of my thoughts. I don't know about this. Requires way too much research just to figure out what you are talking about. I would rather you tell me what I should be thinking so I can save some valuable time, reject that and move on. The constant barrage of corporate bashers gets a bit monotonous after a while. Corporations are just people doing what people do to make money. The corporate structure is built that way. Media corporate structure is also built that way. But, most of them just report what they see. They don't care whether we like it or not its just the news. Sure, many sensationalize in order to draw people in deeper but anything reported can be fact checked if you don't believe it. However, I shy away from labeling an entire industry one thing or another. That's what bigots do and that's why they are usually wrong. Because for every norm there are exceptions. Sure, there are some biased reporters, journalists and media outlets. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out where their biases lie. Also, it is counter productive to go completely to the other side of a different outlet. Finding that middle ground can be difficult but not impossible.

Independent thought is something that we are not taught as children. Most of us are encouraged to use that "follow the herd" mentality and hope for the best. Some of us have been indoctrinated into the stated evils of society by our parents and educators as independent thought can at times be associated with mental illness. Any kind of thought that does not mix well in the "others" is immediately condemned and constrained by the might of the majority. After all, in this country what is right gets voted in by the majority. Even if it is wrong. So, independent thought tends to get trounced by the know it all herd. Stragglers are left to be devoured by predators. Independent thought is risky at best and scary when you are the one that everyone is giving the side eye to. So, I would advise independent thought but I would also advise that you keep it to yourself. Nobody has to know what you are thinking. I am convinced that no one has to know how truly crazy I am.

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Honus Wagner II

7/25/2020 11:28:39 AM ---- Updated 8/4/2020 8:32:29 PM

From what I see those links can be used to further critical thinking rather than depend only on pre-prepared scripts our Pharma bought media has to offer. The Dr. Mercola & Dr Andrew Wakefield links I would recommend to everyone seeking a path to better health. I'm somewhat familiar with a few others list but I think it's a pretty safe bet you won't find any advertisements listed on them that end with the question.., "Ask your doctor is this latest drug we are pushing [fill in the blank] is right for you.."

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Reverend Black Dog

7/25/2020 2:57:40 PM ---- Updated 7/30/2020 2:04:32 PM

Reply to Stoneman /all,

What am I selling? Truth, if anything.. Corporations (which include governments) are not a man or men, they are a fiction operating as a corpse, a dead "entity", it's how our past one hundred or so years have devolved, through such agencies swallowing up what were legitimate businesses and ways of life. It's a control grid ruled by secrecy, share holders. This is their new method of control as opposed to their old overt form of feudalism and fascism, with dictators, tyrants, etc. ... same stuff just a different method. And their not about truth, honesty and goodness, their about money and control, agendas, using a basic pyramid of control.

They've been getting everyone dependent on them for hundreds of years, for food, health, basic goods, supplies, etc. and for most.. their whole way of life is basically corporate.. and now more than ever.. and this is leading to their next phase, rule by technology. Get rid of cash, bring 5G in everywhere, for surveillance, control, and who knows what..

I'm just touching on the realities we're in.. and this isn't theory ... Conspiracy? Yes, but not theory. Know your enemy.. it's not us. Well, they make us our own enemies, another part of their methodology.. but we should not be enemies, racial differences sure, but enemies no.

As far as the sources/links I provided just pick one and check out their last episode, article, video or whatever and if you don't like one try another. Sometimes we don't like someone because of our differences but we need to put that aside right now more than ever.

Fact checkers: Snopes, Wikipedia, etc.. do they always get it right? No, of course not, they are controlled as well, you have to be your own fact checker.. and ultimately it comes down to "who are you going to believe?" The big trusted corporations, approved by the government and other trusted corporations or the rogue scholars and whistle blowers of the world, unincorporated, independent, often bannished from their former professions for as little as simply questioning things.

"Follow the herd" I'd love to follow the herd if the herd knew where it was going.. we should be able to do such ... and we can with some things but our forefathers have slowly lost a grip on their overarching realities - that we're all in now ... and in a sense we have become herd-like, as opposed to independent self sustaining men, our own men.

"Independent thought", 'rebellion', that subject I could write a book on..

You wrote, "After all, in this country what is right gets voted in by the majority. Even if it is wrong." ... this is why a constitution, The Constitution, matters.. Someone once said, "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep discussing dinner plans." Men lived and died by such documents, The Bible, The Constitution.. today they just acquiesce and take whatever dictates come their way, ... mandates, laws, etc.. with no reference to go by, no reference of right and wrong to question these so called authorities lording it over us these days.

You wrote, "So, I would advise independent thought but I would also advise that you keep it to yourself. Nobody has to know what you are thinking. I am convinced that no one has to know how truly crazy I am. "

Who's crazy? Somewhere in some movie I once heard, "In an insane world the sane man must appear insane".. Well sure but this is not an insane world, just a lot of insanity and I advise you give it all you got against it like your life depends on it, your sanity, because it does. This is war and an information war ... I meet many that are quite aware to varying degrees but there is a lot of awareness out there, a lot of mistrust of authority thank goodness (God).

The bible says, "do not cast your pearls before swine." Well these are some pearls I'm casting here and I do not consider any of you swine.

Best wishes.

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Reverend Black Dog

7/25/2020 3:03:15 PM

Wow, great thinking and vid, reminds me of the John Carpenter movie, "They Live", where if you have the 'right vision' you can see right through these imposters, thanks.

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