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Honus Wagner XIII
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11/5/2020 11:16:05 AM
Election Fraud Exposed In Arizona - Video Evidence..


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Honus Wagner XIII

11/5/2020 11:16:05 AM

Election Fraud Exposed In Arizona - Video Evidence..

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11/5/2020 12:08:33 PM ---- Updated 11/5/2020 12:09:32 PM

From Ezra Levant of Rebel News.

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11/6/2020 10:06:25 PM

This, is the video evidence? Not very convincing at all. Republicans. When they lose its fraud and when they win because of fraud, its fair. I call bulllshit!

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11/6/2020 10:12:10 PM

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11/6/2020 10:20:02 PM

In Pa, the signature on the ballot does not have to match the signature of the person's name on the ballot in order to count. How can anyone have any faith in a process that allows that?

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11/6/2020 10:21:36 PM

He's spent his entire life filing frivolous lawsuits. I'm not wasting anymore of my time looking at these stupid videos. You shouldn't waste your own time posting them. It's silly. The election is over (thank God) soon to be certified! We can all retreat to our corner until the bell rings for the next round.

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11/7/2020 10:53:33 AM

The Supreme Court is involved now but I doubt if it will make any difference. Amazing how though after the counting stopped on election night a combined 248,000 votes magically appeared in Wisconsin & Michigan and every single one of those votes was for Joe Biden..., probably just a coincidence though former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich would obviously disagree with me on that.

Have you ever seen the documentary by Dinesh D'Souza called "Hilary's America"?
This is something that everyone owes it to themselves to take the time to see.


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11/7/2020 5:46:27 PM

Agin, not interested in seeing anything. Especially not about Clinton. Jeesh, would you folks just let dying dogs die. This election was well monitored and I have seen nothing that convinces me of any election fraud. I know it is hard to believe that you guys lost but hey, it happens man. More people voted than in any other election ever. Someone had to lose.

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11/8/2020 12:31:40 AM

The rest of the title of "Hilary's America" is called "The Secret History Of The Democratic Party" and is very well done but do as you like.

I'm not losing any sleep over this, I was expecting this outcome all along. When it was announced that people losing their jobs due to Covid shutdowns would receive an additional $600 per week it became clear to me this was an economic attack on the country and and I sensed the fix was in back then. And even when they stopped the vote counting with Trump up by over 800,000 votes in Pa & double digit leads in Ga, Mich. & Wis. my gut told me those margins would disappear very quickly and literally within a few hours they did and I wasn't the least bit surprised.

This happened in 2008 also when the Chicago Political Machine gave Texas & several other states to Obama and kept the Clinton from winning the nomination. There was even a documentary made about it called "We Will Not be Silenced," you can check it out if you like. No Republicans in this documentary, not a single one..., all democrats that I do respect and admire..

"We Will Not be Silenced", part 1


"We Will Not be Silenced", part 2


"We Will Not be Silenced", part 3


"We Will Not be Silenced", part 4


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11/9/2020 5:14:59 PM

When it comes to information, (especially political shit) my first inclination is to examine the source. Examining your many posts I have concluded that you are very biased against anything and anybody democratic and therefore not a good source for fair and impartial information. That is why I refuse to look at any of your videos etc. I don't consider you to be reliable and/or fair minded about politics. Just my personal assessment and although I have been wrong before I don't think I am wrong on this one. But, I respect your right to believe whatever you believe just as I hope you will also respect my right to not believe whatever it is you believe as well as my right to not deluge myself with information that I consider to be possibly tainted with your political biases.

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11/9/2020 6:00:25 PM

I'm Libertarian or a Classic Liberal by true definition. Limited govt, free markets, that sort of thing. Left or right has no meaning to me, there's plenty of good and bad on both sides of the spectrum. The only real solution I've ever seen work for society's ills is money, or plenty of good paying jobs so the Antifa & Proud Boys types and everyone else acting up don't have time to waste on the current nonsense they're involved in, they would be too busy bettering themselves and enjoying their lives. (And getting along much better too..) So in that sense I think Trump would have been the better choice, his reforms for the VA is one example of how he understands how free markets bring better results for everyone. But the govt is going to run the economy now, we're going to tear down all the buildings and put them back up, this country will look like a giant concentration camp after than happens. And we can eat Bill Gate's vegie burgers-Soylent Green that will be loaded with soy & estrogen once those farting cows have been eliminated. Yeah.., Bill sure does love us.

Trump still might get in, it's a long shot but if it happens people will be better off economically and Trump will still be Trump but most likely it'll be Biden. Regardless of who gets in we'll survive, I hope.

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11/10/2020 2:53:43 AM

Judging from the first, I don't think we could survive another 4 years of Trump. Agent Orange had one mission. To destabilize and destroy America. He almost succeeded. Yeah, I have some libertarians in my family. I am familiar with all that so called smaller government and neutrality stuff. They get my respect as I understand that we all have to make our own choices. But, we all have to live with our own choices also. If you choose something evil and you knew it was evil then, you must take responsibility for your bad choices. But I digress, I just have not seen any real evidence of widespread voter fraud in any of the state elections. No our system is not flawless so I am sure that there may be a few baddies in the ballot box. But none more so than in any other election. This child in a mature man's body is somewhere sulking and trying to drudge up more idiots to support his cause. He has no class. Just a big baby sore loser. When Hillary lost the repubs kept telling Dems to stop whining. But at least she took her ass whipping, conceded defeat and wished her opponent well. Now, they are doing the whining and we want to just get on with the business of running this country. More frivolous and baseless lawsuits are just a waste of time. You are only prolonging the inevitable. It is time for the darkness that befell our great nation when he ascended to president to be lifted and for our lives to be better served by someone who actually cares about more than just himself. It was a grand experiment (electing a business man to be president) and i hope we all learned a big lessen. I must admit that for a couple of years my portfolio did quite well and I was happy about that but the hit it has taken since then has not only eliminated the gains but brought forth some sizeable losses. If not for my tech stocks I would be busted. So, don't tell me about how much more money everyone would make under Trump. I heard that lie the last time and here we are trying to survive one of the worst economic downturns in history.

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11/12/2020 11:23:46 AM

This is what I don't get. Why would Trump take the time to destabilize and destroy the very country that gave him a life that very few will ever have? Yes he was born into privilege and had the skids greased for him to success. And he is boisterous and loud as well as very obnoxious at times but why would he seek to tear down the country that gave him such a great life? It makes absolutely no sense.

IMHO, it was his quite successful recruitment of traditional Democratic voting Bloc's that has brought on all the hostility he's endured. (And his big mouth too, that seems to always to move much faster than his brain, I'll concede that.)

But what is obvious is he didn't need this job. And before he ran for president he was never accused of the things he is today. Everyone seemed to love him but I didn't care much for him at all, seems he didn't think too much of other people's property rights when he wanted the land they lived on, that always struck a sour note with me. But outside of his many flaws I do still believe he loves the country and wants everyone's lives to improve. And up till the economic shutdown he was making pretty decent progress towards that goal.

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11/18/2020 2:53:27 AM

Not much of anything that Trump has done has made any sense. So, why question that now? His childish nature is such that he would retaliate at any cost just to save face, He does not care about this nation or even the people who support him. Look how he purposely put them all at risk with his rallies and shit in the middle of a pandemic. Look how many in his own circle he carelessly exposed to Covid. You seem to be looking for rational thought from the president when in reality, I doubt that he is capable of such a thing. He's somewhere right now stewing like a spurned little boy while making outlandish and unproven claims about the election even though all credible agencies say that there was no widespread election fraud. One by one his frivolous lawsuits are being squashed. Whats next? A call to arms from the proud boys? Yeah, I can see that one coming you know? Their on standby according to him. Before is over he's going to get a whole lot of people killed and possibly inflict irreparable damage on this democracy. I just don't get what reality you are living in. Everyone seemed to love him? Not where I am from. I didn't know anyone who loved him and I was well aware of all the things he is accused of now. Maybe you didn't get that because you were not paying attention. He was telling everyone what he was about and what he was going to do from day one. We, were listening and were totally appalled that he was even a serious candidate. But the Repubs latched on to his looming celebrity and rode that all the way to the White house. Meanwhile he was telling them he was racist by saying all the racist crap he said. How can you possibly claim that no one knew? How could they not know after he hired all of those White Supremacists in his cabinet? Even to this day he still has strong ties to racist organizations and they have strong ties and support for him. Oh and by the way, he did need this job. He needed it to feed into his narcissistic nature. He is the typical egomaniac who needs money and power to prove his manhood to himself. He would set the world on fire if he thought it would gain him some fame. I have always been one to say that in every soul there is something good worth noting. But at this point I have yet to find any redeeming values in agent Orange. As a veteran he disgusts me and I am insulted by those who defend his disrespect towards those who served this nation in war. As a Black man I am outraged about his affiliations with White supremacy and his handling of the recent civil unrest's caused by the deluge of murders of Black men by bad cops. As a citizen I am unhappy with his policies of putting immigrant children in cages and separating them from their parents. Hundreds of them may never see their families again. Many of them have been adopted by Americans and their parents may never know what happened to them. I find that scenario morally wrong regardless to whether their parents were illegals or not. But more important than all of that, I am shocked by the loss of so many of my friends to a virus that Agent Orange claimed was a democratic hoax. Oh, and where was his love for this country when he sided with Putin over our own intelligence agencies concerning important national security matters? You see, this is the part that really bothers me. It is people like you. People who have no obvious ties to Trump who continue to overlook and excuse him for his immoral behavior. They just refuse to see that he really is a very sick man with very sick intentions. If it doesn't enrich or empower him in anyway, he is not for it. He cannot and wil not do the decent thing. You know? like conceding an election and showing some class for a change? Doing the right thing is not in him. He is a heartless old crass with sinister intentions.

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