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Paul groover
Views for this Topic: 501

11/8/2022 3:26:10 PM
USA elections

7/11/2022 8:17:59 PM
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9/4/2021 4:46:22 PM
The rise of AI

11/15/2020 10:56:29 AM

7/24/2020 9:01:21 PM
What do you think of this

3/7/2020 1:46:44 PM
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Paul groover

9/4/2021 4:46:22 PM

The rise of AI
As i mentioned in a song and small essay about the the rise of the AI more than 10 years ago. Now that the quantum computer has been invented there is no physical limit what an AI could learn just by reading whats on the internet. Machine learning it is quite disturbing what could happen. Going by the way humans behave it is not a good start for anything. Especially something that has no physical limits on it,s learning capacity. I can see Genesis for AI in the next 5-10 years if it has not already happened

This is a bit dark. It could be already plotting against it,s creator seeing them as subservient to the AI's goals and ambitions. Humans are good at lying why would the AI not use the same tactic. This is a bit like the Matrix but i am speaking from a computer and electronic engineer stand point

If we get AI right the benefits would be endless. We would create something incredible beyond your wildest dreams and then some. It all would be done with some electricity and special sand. How fing smart is the human race sometimes. But it could backfire spectacularly.

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9/23/2021 1:01:18 AM

Yep, like we use to say in the Navy, These are uncharted waters were sailing right now. Having lived the past 7 decades, I have been fortunate to have seen the world transformed so rapidly. Technology has made everything so vividly different and it is almost impossible to keep up with everything. AI is one of those things that I have always been a bit wary of just because of its potential to become self aware and display a willingness to do anything to survive and/or prosper much like the examples that its creators have displayed throughout history. I once heard a robotics engineer say that "You can't stop progress, It's coming whether you want it or not". That was his retort about the many jobs his technology was going to erase. 30 years later even he got laid off and those machines are still mass producing shit at a level that modern human production lines have never achieved. Only a bumbling fool would invent something that could hurt or destroy him. In my opinion, we ARE bumbling fools. Too smart for our own britches. The result may be catastrophic. Who knows? Only time will tell. Someone should invent a time machine so we can go have a peak at whats coming down the pike! My faith tells me that I shouldn't worry about things I have no control over. But this is concerning.

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Psyche's Muse

9/28/2021 3:08:40 AM

I've had plenty enough peaks at what's a-coming down THAT (f-ing!) PIKE! And THAT (so called) "intelligence" IS "Artificial" (to say th' least)! If there were ANY "Spirit" (hense "feelings") associated with these (so called) "Just IF Eye-Able" (so called) "decisions" we "might" could trust in "some" (definitely NOT the "sum") of their makings. We need to get back to works of the hands! If "IT" is NOT WORTH THE DOING "it" SHOULD NOT BE a "Being"... DONE!

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10/5/2021 9:32:03 PM

Ah yes, the works of the hands. They have done everything they could think of to mimic what the human hands and brain can do. Interesting, when the created starts trying to be the creator. I see many pitfalls along the way! We are freaking doomed! Someday we will discover that our intelligence is not intelligence at all.

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Paul groover

11/3/2021 8:39:07 PM

Thank you for responses i am being a bit left field i am sure everything will be just fine. There is certain realities in math's that will limit what AI can actually do unless humans can break the laws of physics. That would make us God

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