Headquartered in Washington DC, by way of New Jersey and Philly, Silhouette Cities features Phil Saraceno on guitar and vocals, Bill Gross on bass, Mark Kuczynski on drums and Donny Saraceno on guitar. The hard rock outfit deftly combines elements of alternative, hard rock, pop, metal and punk.

In January 2012, Silhouette Cities released Objects in Motion. The 5 song EP was produced and engineered by Dave Mallen in Arlington, VA. The following year, the band released videos for the singles See it from Your Side and Playing the Victim.

Silhouette Cities’ follow up album, No Worse for the Wear, was released on August 4, 2015. The sophomore record was produced by John Collura, formerly of The Ataris, and Mike Menocker at Silent Owl Studio. Both albums are available on iTunes.

Hanging on by a Thread

Modern Rock

Snakes and Vultures

The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.

alternative punk


The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.

Alternative Hard Rock

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8/5/2015 5:59:02 PM
Rocking as a blend of the best modern rock bands. Reluctantly comparing to STP, Godsmack,Bush, Lincoln Park, and a dozen other bands, I would say if you put them all in a garbage disposal, turned it on, poured gasoline down it, set it on fire, then scrapped the charred remains, put it in a pipe and smoke it, then you would have had Enough. It's that kicking. ;)



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We’re happy to announce that our new album 'No Worse for the Wear' has officially been released! You can download it on iTunes, stream it on Spotify, and find it on other sites like Amazon, CD Baby and Rhapsody. Physical copies are also available through Bandcamp.
they got the stuff
Black Label
Staging Area II
The Emperor's New Clothes
Liste Privée
Super Eclectic
Heavy Rotation

8/5/2015 7:58:58 PM
Last pageview at: 1/20/2025 12:06:52 PM
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Silhouette Cities