Katy Rose is a female rocker of great power and distinction. She dazzles with memorable songs and videos that easily separate her from other women out there trying to rock. Over the last half-decade, she has traveled across the country and all over Europe to bring her latest batch of music to life. Along with working in places as far-flung as Nashville and Holland, the L.A.-born singer/songwriter recorded in a centuries-old church in the seaside Swedish village of Kristianopel in the dead of Scandinavian winter. To shoot the video for an upcoming single, she took to the French countryside and filmed in a hunting-lodge-turned-ashram built over the ruins of a 15th century castle. With her wandering also including time in London and Paris and Stockholm, Rose ended up creating an album that’s deeply introspective yet outwardly searching, unabashedly personal yet attuned to a universal experience of love and pain and transformation.

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Katy Rose