Two younger beatniks from the 60s arrive on a time machine to change the direction of modern music. we are the new Beats of the new decade and come with 2020 vision, since we both got new eyeballs transplanted recently. sharp vision, sharp ears ,sharp wits, sharp pencils writing witty wonderful lyrics. yes sir. watch out now.
MARCH NESMITH P.I. A trouble maker investigator aka Columbo or perhaps a Manic Depressive like Mannix or some such loser.ready to kick butt
FINAL NOTICE Final notices are a pain in the butt. then creditors chase you down, hound you. threaten you phone you embarrass you.moral of the story pay on time or get dragged into court
Knives Forks Spoons and Plates beatbox beethoven eats like a pig
March Nesmith Volume 2 PI Private investigator March Nesmith on the prowl again
Little miz raunchy Miz raunchy she got it all
Death Valley Lost in Death Valley �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
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